We’re proud to announce a new design for your HNN retail site. This new design is now ready, and will allow you to add video to your site’s homepage!
See a preview here:
Thanks for making HNN the leading independent provider of retail websites for Herbalife distributors!
I like it!!!!
question: On the bottom of the new template page, I saw blog posts. Are those the hnn blog posts, or ones we, as distributors, are able to create ourselves?
Nicola – that feature is not yet ready, but we hope to add ‘user blogs’ in the near future.
Hi to all will contact all of you soon
Just Love It!
how do i change template?
No templates on LoseBig, but there are two color schemes… you’ll find it on the settings page.
Is this the modern template? I just joined HNN, love what I see so far. On this specific template there are different programs under Weight management – I take it I can make similar changes in my “manage store”?
how do i change the template?
how do i change my old template to this new one you have?
You can change your template in the HNN member’s area!