Herbalife Announces Updated “Price Advertising Rule”
Herbalife has just announced an update to their “Price Advertising Rule” which will affect your HNN retail website. Effective April 8th, 2010, all retail websites will be required to have a customer password before those customers can view prices. Here’s the information direct from Herbalife:
In 2009 Herbalife introduced a Price Advertising Rule in the US, which we are
updating at this time to include additional provisions which make it a requirement for websites that reflect
pricing information to be accessible to the general public ONLY via the use of passwords.
We view this as a positive development for distributors, as this will discourage the use of discounting as a promotional technique. You see, we believe that customers want to buy from the distributor who will serve them the best, and not just sell at the lowest price. Mark Hughes believed in ‘use, wear, and talk’, and this price rule will allow you to ‘talk’ to your customers before they see prices.
We’re going to use this opportunity to activate a customer login module we’ve been working on, which will allow your HNN retail site to stay in compliance with Herbalife’s rules, and allow repeat customers to login to a personal account for quick and easy reordering. We will do everything we can to make this as simple as possible for your Herbalife retail customers!
If you have questions about this rule, please contact distributor relations at (866) 866-4744.
To read the entire rule, please see: Herbalife_Price_Advertising_Rule.pdf (Adobe PDF Required)
How will this new password protection affect those still advertising “DISCOUNT Herbalife store SITES” on the internet. I still get comments about these and cannot complete and lose potential customers. Thank you.
I can’t speak for Herbalife, however it is my understanding that they would be in violation of Herbalife’s rule and would therefore be jeopardizing their distributorship. That’s why this is a positive thing for all Herbalife Independent Distributors.
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Thank you so much for staying up to date and taking care of us as Independent Distributors. I agree with you, that this is a positive development, and am very happy to hear, that you are taking care of the technical side of this for me.
thanks to every one to going to star this year with ur right foot, herbalife and my self going to be here to help u 24/7 gracias x su apollo y el hablar 2 ideomas me acerca mas a todas las personas quw twngan un hermosisimo dia y que Dios los bendiga