So you’re new to Herbalife! Welcome! After hearing every convincing speech a distributor gave you, you’re now ready to test the waters on your own. You’re excited to learn the ropes, meet new people, and of course, earn the income promised by hard work. However, you probably encountered a few bumps on the road you chose to tread on your network marketing journey. This is to be expected as there have been a number of misconceptions about this industry brought about by people who employed practices frowned upon by legitimate companies.
In one of our previous blog posts, we published an article sharing tips for first-time multilevel marketers. And while newbies have so much to look forward to in MLM, this business model also comes with challenges. The good news is there are ways to hurdle them, provided that the company you joined is legitimate and that you believe in its philosophy and products. If you’re in Herbalife, don’t worry, you’ve already picked the best company around! In this article, we have included challenges commonly faced by rookies plus tips on overcoming them.
1. Inexperience
It’s easy to feel intimidated by the mere fact that you barely know anything about the field you’re just getting into, but if you think about it, every network marketer started exactly where you are-at the beginning. While there are people who can sell practically anything as if it’s their primary calling, they also had to hone their skills through experience and a series of trial-and-errors.
It is a common practice among proper network marketing firms to provide lessons and training to their new members. But if you want a more stringent way of learning, you can befriend a veteran or skilled member and ask if he or she can serve as your mentor. If your company allows for it, you can also ask your mentor if you could shadow him or her while at work and observe the ways they talk to people and persuade them to either join or buy a product.
2. Finding Prospects
Lead generation is one of the most important aspects of Herbalife because this is how you find people to sell products to. However, not all companies are able to furnish their members a system of finding prospects. One advantage Herbal Nutrition offers is getting a website upon signing up as a member, which is a potent tool in attracting leads. Assuming that you fill your site with relevant information and regular updates about your product, you’ll then be one step ahead of other multilevel marketers.
Another frowned upon practice by some multilevel marketers is by inviting people to have lunch or coffee without telling them the purpose behind the meeting. This may have worked for some, but more people are repelled by this method. If you must invite prospects to a personal meeting, muster the courage to tell them the truth. Prospects are more likely to appreciate your confidence on your product and yourself instead of lying to them blatantly.
3. Sticking to Standard MLM Techniques
Traditional techniques aren’t there for nothing. If, for anything, the reason why they’re considered standard is because they worked for members who have been with the company for a while. On the other hand, this shouldn’t mean that you can’t come up with ideas that can advance your MLM skills. Sometimes, no matter how good customary techniques are, there is still a possibility that it won’t work for everyone, which means that you have to exhaust other options to build your network. You can also incorporate old techniques with fresh ideas and see which works with what.
Take this for example. When you already have a site, you can employ content marketing strategies to boost your lead generation efforts and even sell. Some of the things that you can do include writing blogs, sharing accurate information, and posting photos that your prospects can make use of and share. You can also sign up to social media sites such as LinkedIn and Google+ and make connections with prospects and other MLM professionals. Multilevel marketing mainly deals with expanding your network, which means that you have to exhaust all means possible to communicate and get to know plenty of people.
When trying out new approaches to advance your MLM efforts, make sure that you stick with what is lawful and what you agreed upon signing up as a member. It is also wise to stay ethical while keeping on top of your business. Doing so will help you preserve the name your brand is carrying as well as your reputation as a multilevel marketer.