Luana Fletcher
Luana Fletcher
Herbalife Independent Member
Luana's Balanced Life
1 Princess Highway
Engadine New South Wales 2233
Email: Phone: 0414 211 325
A Balanced Life

Do you eat 5-7 servings of fruit and vegetables every single day? It's hard enough to get one or two servings each day, let alone seven! So what are some ways to do it? And importantly, why do we need to eat that much? Fruits and vegetables are hugely important for staying healthy and they are a great source of essential nutrients the body needs. They naturally contain fiber, antioxidants, fructose (naturally occurring fruit sugar) and various vitamins, minerals and trace elements. They also tend to be low in fat.

What about the sugar in fruit?

Fruit naturally contains sugar, called fructose, but this shouldn't be a reason not to eat it. Fruit contains many other great nutrients and the benefit of these outweighs the sugar quantity you'll get from eating a piece of fruit. But do watch your intake; try to make up your daily requirement with 2-3 servings of fruit and 4-5 of vegetables.

So what are some good ways to hit the 'magic number' of fruit and vegetables each day?

Add fruit to shakes and smoothies for a tasty drink.

At breakfast, add sliced fruit on your cereal or oats, or sliced tomato or avocado on your toast.
Fruit and vegetables are healthy snacks - snack on a piece of fruit or sliced vegetables sticks such as carrots/celery/peppers.

Keep the fruit bowl full, as you're more likely to reach for a snack that is readily available in your home or in your bag.

Dinner is a good way to increase your vegetable intake. It's easy to throw extra vegetables into a stir-fry or to eat them as a side dish.

Variety in cooking is needed to alleviate boredom. Try something new each day: stir-fry, roast, boil, poach, steam or bake.

Although fresh is best, frozen and canned fruit and vegetables count too. If you choose canned fruit, go for ones without a sugary syrup and that are low in salt and sugar.

One glass of unsweetened 100% fruit juice counts as one of your servings.

Grow your own. It always seems to taste better when you've put the hard work in yourself!

Buy what's in season - it tastes better and is usually cheaper

So head down to your local farmers' market, fruit and veg store or supermarket and stock up on healthy, tasty and nutritious fruits and vegetables. Need additional information? Herbalife is a leader in the health and wellness industry, and your Herbalife Independent Distributor can help you discover the best products for your nutritional requirements.

Your Herbalife Independent Distributor,
Posted by Luana Fletcher on Sunday 2 June 2013
You've been told the benefits of exercise a thousand times and you know what you should be doing, but it can be so easy to find excuses.

'I'm comfortable on the sofa.'
'My favorite TV program is on.'
'It so cold (or hot) outside.'
'I just don't have enough time.'

We've heard them all before, so how do you get (and keep) the motivation to get up and exercise regularly? Here are some tips we can all benefit from:

Plan - Leading a busy life, it can be hard to think there is room to fit in daily exercise. Make exercise a priority and plan it into your daily routine. Don't make it optional. It also helps to plan exercise when you're more likely to enjoy it. For example, if you find it hard to get out of bed in the mornings at the best of times, don't try and exercise in the mornings. Try your lunch break or after work.

Get your gear on - The first step (and often the hardest) is just putting on your shoes and exercise clothes). Once they're on, it's much easier to get going. Even better, treat yourself to something new. It's surprising how a new pair of running shoes, item of clothing, or new gadget can encourage you to 'try them out'. Plus you look good and feel good!

Variety is essential - Change your running route, try cycling instead, or swim in an outdoor pool instead of indoors. Keep it interesting by changing parts of your workout so you don't get bored. The gym can quickly become a sterile environment, so throw in the occasional outdoor session, especially on those gorgeous sunny days.

Make it social - Exercise with friends, have a laugh and you'll keep each other motivated. They can offer support, can give positive feedback, and make it fun! Alternatively, try group fitness classes or join a local team. If you thrive on competition, team sports are great, as is exercising with someone who's slightly better than you so you are always are pushing yourself to keep up.

The art of distraction - Exercising to music or while chatting to friends keeps you distracted. You may just find yourself exercising a little longer or finishing quicker than you thought. If you're at home, try exercising while watching TV.

Have realistic goals - You may not be planning to run a marathon, but it's important to have goals and to put them into practice to keep yourself motivated along the way. But be realistic! Don't set them so high that you'll never achieve them. Write them down and remember to review them regularly as your fitness improves.

Don't forget to reward yourself -   It could be running an extra mile or losing a couple of pounds, but as you reach your personal goals and are happy with your performance, reward yourself. Give yourself a day off or buy a new pair of jeans. Be proud of yourself!

Always remember the feeling you get after exercise - endorphins flying around your body, you feel healthy and pleased with yourself. Next time you're thinking of skipping a session, remember this feeling and get exercising!

A good accountability partner is your Herbalife Independent Distributor, who can help you track your goals, provide emotional support, and offer advice on supplemental products. Contact your distributor today.

Your Herbalife Independent Distributor,

Luana Fletcher
Phone: 0414 211 325
Email: [email protected]
Posted by Luana Fletcher on Thursday 23 May 2013



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"Drink 'n' Shrink". Taken 2-3 times daily, it's incredible! Green tea and specially selected herbal extracts soothe the digestive system, help assist digestive function and provide healthy antioxidants. Fast acting & refreshing! We experienced faster weight loss, more energy and a general feeling of wellbeing. It's a Great Morning Kick Start!


Green tea is rich in polyphenol antioxidants which are reported to combat the negative effects of free- radicals on our body's cells.


Posted by Luana Fletcher on Sunday 12 May 2013
The Power of Soy

Soy-based products are on the rise for very healthy reasons. Learn how to get your recommended daily dose of this super bean.

It's no secret: the humble soybean boasts some extraordinary health benefits. Many health and dietary professionals recommend an average daily intake of 25 grams of soy protein with soy isoflavones-in addition to a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet-to help reduce the risk of heart disease; they conclude that foods containing soy protein included in a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol might reduce the risk of cardiac-heart disease by lowering blood cholesterol levels.

One way soy seems to promote heart health is its high content of isoflavones:

Soy protein and soy isoflavones have been shown to promote healthy cholesterol that is already within normal range.
Soy isoflavones help the body regulate estrogen levels, which might help alleviate many menopause and PMS symptoms.
Soy protein enhances the body's ability to retain and better absorb calcium into the bones. Soy isoflavones help by slowing bone loss and inhibiting bone breakdown.

Herbalife offers a wide range of great-tasting soy-based products including Formula 1 products, Formula 3, Personalized Protein Powder, Protein Bars, and Soup Mix. These products are only available through Herbalife Independent Distributors, so contact your distributor today to learn more.

Your Herbalife Independent Distributor,

Luana Fletcher 
Phone: 0414 211 325
Email: [email protected] 
Posted by Luana Fletcher on Tuesday 7 May 2013
When our mothers told us to eat our fruits and vegetables, they were giving us great advice. Fruits and vegetables are an essential part of our diet, providing a wide range of vitamins and minerals that serve important functions in the body. Many people, however, are still deficient in their intake.

A rainbow of reasons

Over the last several years, major health institutions have recommended eating at least five portions of fruits and vegetables a day. Yet, few of us achieve this goal. But there is a rainbow of reasons to eat a variety of colors from the produce aisle. Fruits and vegetables are virtually fat free, low in salt and an excellent source of fiber. Some fruits and vegetables, such as carrots and cantaloupe, provide vitamin A, which maintains eye health and immunity. Other fruits and vegetables, such as bananas and spinach, contain potassium, which is necessary for proper nerve and muscle functioning. Green vegetables, such as broccoli and asparagus, provide B vitamins, which are necessary for converting food into energy. And all fruits and vegetables contain phytonutrients, the health-promoting components of plants. Scientific studies show that phytonutrients can help protect seven key organs-including the eyes, heart, liver and skin-and they can also act as antioxidants. 

Antioxidant protection

Current research has measured the total antioxidant power of various foods, citing fruits and vegetables at the top of the list. Antioxidants protect our bodies from free radicals that can cause damage to cellular membranes. Antioxidants also boost our immunity, help make our muscles stronger, and support bone and skin health. So try to get in the habit of eating plenty of produce each day. 

But honestly ... eating the recommended daily servings of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables is not always realistic, so try supplementing your diet with appropriate products that will help to provide your body's vital organs with those key nutrients. Herbalife is a leader in the health and wellness industry, and your Herbalife Independent Distributor can help you discover the best products for your nutritional requirements. 

Your Herbalife Independent Distributor,
Posted by Luana Fletcher on Tuesday 30 April 2013
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