Luana Fletcher
Luana Fletcher
Herbalife Independent Member
Luana's Balanced Life
1 Princess Highway
Engadine New South Wales 2233
Email: Phone: 0414 211 325

You've been told the benefits of exercise a thousand times and you know what you should be doing, but it can be so easy to find excuses.

'I'm comfortable on the sofa.'
'My favorite TV program is on.'
'It so cold (or hot) outside.'
'I just don't have enough time.'

We've heard them all before, so how do you get (and keep) the motivation to get up and exercise regularly? Here are some tips we can all benefit from:

Plan - Leading a busy life, it can be hard to think there is room to fit in daily exercise. Make exercise a priority and plan it into your daily routine. Don't make it optional. It also helps to plan exercise when you're more likely to enjoy it. For example, if you find it hard to get out of bed in the mornings at the best of times, don't try and exercise in the mornings. Try your lunch break or after work.

Get your gear on - The first step (and often the hardest) is just putting on your shoes and exercise clothes). Once they're on, it's much easier to get going. Even better, treat yourself to something new. It's surprising how a new pair of running shoes, item of clothing, or new gadget can encourage you to 'try them out'. Plus you look good and feel good!

Variety is essential - Change your running route, try cycling instead, or swim in an outdoor pool instead of indoors. Keep it interesting by changing parts of your workout so you don't get bored. The gym can quickly become a sterile environment, so throw in the occasional outdoor session, especially on those gorgeous sunny days.

Make it social - Exercise with friends, have a laugh and you'll keep each other motivated. They can offer support, can give positive feedback, and make it fun! Alternatively, try group fitness classes or join a local team. If you thrive on competition, team sports are great, as is exercising with someone who's slightly better than you so you are always are pushing yourself to keep up.

The art of distraction - Exercising to music or while chatting to friends keeps you distracted. You may just find yourself exercising a little longer or finishing quicker than you thought. If you're at home, try exercising while watching TV.

Have realistic goals - You may not be planning to run a marathon, but it's important to have goals and to put them into practice to keep yourself motivated along the way. But be realistic! Don't set them so high that you'll never achieve them. Write them down and remember to review them regularly as your fitness improves.

Don't forget to reward yourself -   It could be running an extra mile or losing a couple of pounds, but as you reach your personal goals and are happy with your performance, reward yourself. Give yourself a day off or buy a new pair of jeans. Be proud of yourself!

Always remember the feeling you get after exercise - endorphins flying around your body, you feel healthy and pleased with yourself. Next time you're thinking of skipping a session, remember this feeling and get exercising!

A good accountability partner is your Herbalife Independent Distributor, who can help you track your goals, provide emotional support, and offer advice on supplemental products. Contact your distributor today.

Your Herbalife Independent Distributor,

Luana Fletcher
Phone: 0414 211 325
Email: [email protected]
Posted by Luana Fletcher on Thursday 23 May 2013


*Any weight loss or health testimonials presented here are applicable to the individuals depicted and are not a guarantee of your weight loss nor are they typical. Herbalife products can be a healthy part of your weight loss program, which includes diet and exercise.

An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Herbalife Independent Distributors about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges.

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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