Luana Fletcher
Luana Fletcher
Herbalife Independent Member
Luana's Balanced Life
1 Princess Highway
Engadine New South Wales 2233
Email: Phone: 0414 211 325
How a Good Diet Can Improve Athletic Recovery

Recovery is the time when the body adapts to the “good stress” (eustress) of physical training by developing new muscle mass and restoring glycogen levels. The period directly following an intense workout is particularly important for athletic training because the body is especially drained and vulnerable to injury and exhaustion. Giving your body the nutrients it needs can make a huge impact on your ability to recover post-workout.
Eat a Recovery Diet
The recovery diet should be rich in two macronutrients: lean protein and complex carbohydrates. It’s important to eat carbohydrates and protein together because the carbohydrates increase protein absorption. Try consuming these post-workout to help your body bounce back quickly and avoid injury:

  1. Chocolate Milk: A pint of low-fat chocolate milk has about 300 calories, 50 grams of carbohydrates and 16 to 20 grams of protein, making it a perfect post-workout recovery drink.
  2. Lean meat and brown rice: Chicken or steak plus rice delivers a protein punch, along with fiber and complex carbohydrates. Also, the protein/rice combination increases the feeling of being full, helping make sure you eat only what your body needs to recover and don’t consume excess calories.
  3. Fish: Salmon, tuna, tilapia and other white fish are all terrific low-fat, high-protein choices. Add a sweet potato or high-carbohydrate steamed vegetable like broccoli or cauliflower, and you’ll get plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, complex carbohydrates and fiber to replenish your glycogen stores and rebuild muscles, while stopping inflammation.Learn more about athletic training and nutrition in Health Is Wealth: Performance Nutrition.

Posted by Luana Fletcher on Tuesday 26 November 2013


*Any weight loss or health testimonials presented here are applicable to the individuals depicted and are not a guarantee of your weight loss nor are they typical. Herbalife products can be a healthy part of your weight loss program, which includes diet and exercise.

An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Herbalife Independent Distributors about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges.

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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