Luana Fletcher
Luana Fletcher
Herbalife Independent Member
Luana's Balanced Life
1 Princess Highway
Engadine New South Wales 2233
Email: Phone: 0414 211 325
A Balanced Life

Magnificent Mango Breakfast!

Breakfast in a Jar! (serves 2) This is a perfect recipe to make the night before, so your breakfast is WAITING for you... in the refrigerator, alive, raw, living and delicious. It will 'give' you ENERGY - rather than make you sleepy, as ALL cooked foods will do.


  • 1 large Mango, skinned & cubed***
  • 1 cup Muesli or rolled oats (organic)
  • 1/3 cup slivered almonds
  • 1/2 cup chopped Fuji Apple
  • 1/4 cup raisins/sultanas/figs or dates
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds
  • 4 tbsp Formula #1 Vanilla
  • 2 tbsp PPP
  • 1 3/4 cups almond, soy or coconut milk
Place all ingredients *** except the mango and place in a bowl and soak overnight. Cover all ingredients with a paper towel and place the bowl on the counter. You can also put into the refrigerator but it needs 12 hours to assimilate together.

Now you're ready to place into Jars, tighten the lid and take with you to work or eat right at home. This breakfast will last for 4 hours without refrigeration, unless you live in a hot area. You can also make a few batches of it ahead of time and keep it refrigerated for 24 hours, but no more than that.

Posted by Luana Fletcher on Thursday 3 October 2013


Spring is the perfect time to commit to a new healthy eating plan and get started on your way to a healthy active lifestyle with Herbalife...



I hope that you are having a healthy, happy and productive month.

The best way to kick start a healthier diet is to first complete a two-week spring cleanse, otherwise known as a detox. Cleansing may sound daunting, boring and hard however it doesn't need to be difficult. Great Shape Today will show you how with healthy active lifestyle solutions, simply follow these top five cleansing tips and you will be well on your way to a healthier you with Herbalife!

1. Rethink your beverages.

Replace coffee with green tea...& our Instant Herbal beverage is the perfect solution! Our Herbal Beverage, as with all green teas, contains small amounts of caffeine; however the health benefits far out-weigh the caffeine content. Aim for three cups of green tea as well as two litres of filtered water each day - minimum!...and add Aloe Concentrate to assist the cleansing of the digestive system.

Take Note: Alcohol is a toxin and is quite taxing on the body. While you can (and should) enjoy in moderation, it is recommended that approximately every 4-6 months you give your body a break and cleanse, during this time you should avoid all alcohol for 2-4 weeks, instead opt for mineral water, fresh lime juice & LiftOff.


2. Processed grains are out, live food is in.

By removing processed cereals and breads from your diet, will encourage you to consume more fruit and vegetables. Processed and refined grain products provide little more than carbohydrates, whereas fruit and vegetables are live foods packed with liver cleaning vitamins, mineral and bowel-clearing fibre. Aim to include two pieces of fruit, five or more servings of vegetables and a variety of fresh herbs in your diet each day. The ideal enhancement to your fibre intake would be to supplement with Chitosan and Florafibre - both provide vital fibre and vitamins and minerals that are essential to good health.

3. Include protein but avoid dairy & go organic.

Protein provides amino acids that are vital liver detoxification; so add at least 2 herbie scoops of Personalised Protein Powder to your shake & for your healthy meal choose organic eggs, chicken, turkey and lamb. Try to eat fresh fish three times each week. Be aware!...the pitfall with dairy is it's often over consumed so opt for soy, almond milk or coconut cream instead.


4. Don't forget good quality fats.

While cleansing include fresh nuts and seeds, as well as coconut oil, olive oil, flaxseed oil and nut oils. Coconut is fantastic to cook with and flaxseed oil is great on salads. And why not add a boost, with Herbalifeline a valuable source of Omega 3's - A must for anyone who cares about their heart & Formula #4 to provide unsaturated fatty acids necessary to maintain a good state of health.


5. Get moving.

Ideally you will get up and exercise first thing before enjoying an uplifting Healthy breakfast meal of Aloe, tea and shake. This will set you up for the rest of the day. Use the warmer weather to get out there and get motivated, spring is here, so let's enjoy it!


While cleansing can aid with weight-loss, using Herbalife will give you better nutrition for Life!


So why Supplement? See why, as shown by the CRN's Dietary Supplement Pyramid.


Ensure good nutrition with dietary supplements; Scientific studies have proven that good diets and generous nutrient intakes can help optimize health and protect against serious diseases, including heart disease, osteoporosis, cancer and even some birth defects. Now, consumers can use new food and supplement pyramids to improve eating habits and build a sensible long-term supplement program.

Foods and supplements, the best plan; A good diet is the foundation for better health, but obviously even the most knowledgeable consumers don't always eat the way they should. And some nutrients, like vitamin E, are beneficial in amounts far beyond the levels that can be obtained even in a good diet. Researchers at Tufts University developed a modified Food Guide Pyramid for the elderly, featuring a flag on top as a reminder that some nutritional supplements may be advisable. This concept can easily be extended to the general population.

Posted by Luana Fletcher on Tuesday 8 October 2013


Over the last 50,000 years, humans have obtained a survival benefit from an ability to store fat through the actions of so-called “thrifty genes” (1). In the past 200 years, changes in the human diet and lifestyle have outstripped the ability of the genome to adjust to a changing environment and billions of people around the world are now obese as a result (2–8).

Although studies show that hunter-gatherers ate some 800 different varieties of plants (9), today, in many countries, the average intake is only about three servings of fruit and vegetables per day, which fails to provide enough of the naturally occurring antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals that are essential to good health. Highly processed foods with refined starches, sugars, fats and oils often fail to contain the essential nutrients that are found in nutrient-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables but have many more calories per bite (10).

At the same time, labor-saving devices of all kinds and advances in transportation have made a highly sedentary lifestyle possible over the last 30 years (11). A global epidemic of obesity and chronic disease, which is underestimated if one uses the body mass index (BMI) alone, is sweeping the globe as industrialization and improved standards of living are spreading to urban centers.

Certain ethnic groups, including Asians, Asian Indians, Latinos and Native Americans, are genetically susceptible to metabolic syndrome – due to the accumulation of visceral fat that results in inflammation in the absence of marked increases in BMI (12). It is estimated that within the next 10 years, the majority of all heart disease will be associated with type 2 diabetes, with significant increases in incidence projected in China, India, Southeast Asia, Mexico and Latin America (13).

Potential solutions that emphasize social support networks and innovative methods of integrating a balanced diet and healthy active lifestyle, in ways that are personally rewarding based on financial or social incentives, are urgently needed (14).

The Herbalife Nutrition Institute (HNI) has brought together some of the finest minds in nutrition science in the world today for this educational project that offers you not only the latest information available but also an integration of this information into materials you can use in personalizing your nutrition and lifestyle. Information on nutrition science is complemented by a separate set of chapters on fitness science. There has never been a time when understanding nutrition science has been more important than today as the world's population is facing a global nutrition transition.

Posted by Luana Fletcher on Wednesday 16 October 2013
Posted by Luana Fletcher on Wednesday 23 October 2013

Why is the program so good?

You have heard it all before, to lose weight, you just need to consume less calories than your body burns .... But, when you just cut back, you get hungry and your metabolism slows down.

That’s where the Herbalife program comes in. The Herbalife products ensure you get complete nutrition while also keeping your calories controlled. At the same time the products ensure you get enough protein so your lean muscle is maintained and your metabolism stays firing at full speed, burning calories all day long.

Did you know it’s actually your Lean Muscle that determines the rate of your metabolism?

That’s why protein is SO important in our diet. There are many different types of protein and soy protein is the BEST protein for the human body. Soy protein has zero cholesterol and places zero strain on the kidneys – unlike animal protein. That is why the Herbalife products use soy protein.

Not only does the soy protein feed your metabolism but it also ensures you will not feel hungry. If you have any hunger, just increase your protein intake with some of our healthy snacks like the protein bars or just increase your protein by adding a couple of dessert spoons of the Personalised Protein Powder into your shakes – it’s that simple!

What about using a food diary?


The best thing about our Program is that it naturally keeps you on track. Weight Control is easy with Herbalife.

The nutritious shakes keep your calorie intake controlled and the soy protein keeps your metabolism at a healthy level. If your results are not happening as fast as you would like - then you need to look at what you are eating between your shakes that is slowing you down.

What Symptoms To Expect When You Improve Your Diet

If I were asked which is the area of greatest misunderstanding and confusion in the field of nutrition, I would definitely be forced to reply, it is the failure to properly understand and interpret the symptoms and changes, which follow the beginning of a better program.

A better nutritional program is the introduction of foods of higher quality in place of lower quality ones. Remarkable things begin to happen to the body as well as the mind. When the quality of the food coming into the body is of higher quality than the tissues, which the body is made of, the body begins to discard the lower grade materials and tissues to make room for the superior, which it uses to make the newer and healthier tissues.

What are the symptoms or signs when you first begin to omit the lower grade foods and instead introduce superior foods? When the use of a toxin is suddenly stopped, headaches are common and a letdown occurs. This is due to the discard by the body of toxins which are transported by the bloodstream during its many bodily rounds.

Usually, within three days, the symptoms vanish and we feel stronger due to the recuperation that follows. As one continues on the improved diet and gradually raises the quality, interesting symptoms begin to appear. The body begins a process called “retracing”. The cellular intelligence has a chance to get rid of old garbage and build a beautiful new house. The accent is on elimination and body begins to move garbage deposited in the tissues.

People may experience skin rashes or eruptions due to elimination of poisons and harmful drugs through the skin. If they go to a doctor not schooled in nutrition, he might diagnose it as an allergy and suggest the diet be discontinued. They do not understand that the body is “retracing”. The skin is becoming more alive and active. The toxins being discarded are saving you from much more serious diseases which will result if you keep them in your body too much longer. Possibility: hepatitis, kidney disorders, blood disease, heart disease, arthritis, nerve degeneration or even cancer.

By happy that you are “paying your bills” now in an easy payment plan. With some: colds or even fever may occur. THIS IS NATURES WAY OF HOUSECLEANING. Understand that those actions are CONSTRUCTIVE, even though unpleasant at the moment. DO NOT try to stop these symptoms by the use of certain drugs. These symptoms are a part of the curing process. These are NOT deficiency conditions or allergic reactions. Symptoms may include: headaches in the beginning, occasional diarrhoea, tiredness, nervousness, irritability etc.


Posted by Luana Fletcher on Tuesday 29 October 2013
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