Luana Fletcher
Luana Fletcher
Herbalife Independent Member
Luana's Balanced Life
1 Princess Highway
Engadine New South Wales 2233
Email: Phone: 0414 211 325
A Balanced Life

Hi.  My name is Melinda and I am 38 years old and I suffer from spinal arthritis.  I was taking 1000mg of Naprison a day, and then I tried Vioxx until it was taken off  the market, then I was on Mobic, all of which had side effects and didn’t do much for my pain.  That was before Herbalife.

I started on the Herbalife advanced program and within a week I noticed a change in my condition.  I was sleeping a lot better, I didn’t feel like I was a chicken on a rotisserie all night, tossing and turning because of the pain.  I then discovered Herbalifeline and Tang Kuei in the Herbalife range of products (what a blessing).
I went on to lose 12kg in 13 weeks (which I thought was pretty good considering Easter was in the middle of that and I love chocolate.) and I feel fantastic, I have a lot more energy, more mobility and I have kept my weight off for a year, which I could never do before because I love my food. The best part is I can eat what I want and I can now play sport with my kids without the pain.

Christmas 2005 I hurt the sciatic nerve in my back, because of my arthritis the bones have worn a little and my sciatic nerve got caught over my pelvis and I had to be adjusted by my chiropractor.  Before I realized what the problem was I went to the doctor and the hospital because the pain was unbearable and I thought that I may have had a blood clot in my groin because I couldn’t sit, lie down or stand up straight.  The pain went from my hip down the back of my leg and through my foot and up the front of my leg and into my groin.  It was the worst pain that I have ever experienced, I cannot describe it. I thought that I had a high tolerance to pain considering that I have had four children with drug free births and suffered gall stones, but this has taken the cake.

While in hospital the doctors gave me 3 shots of morphine and then some tablets for the pain, and let me tell you it didn’t do a thing, I was in a drugged up state but the pain was still there.  The hospital staff did all these tests and they told me that I was really healthy. Even my oxygen level was perfect considering I was hyperventilating because of the pain.  Nothing else could be done for me so I went home.  I then saw my chiropractor and she said that my muscles were in spasms because of the trauma in my nerve, she couldn’t do much because everything was so tight and that I needed a muscle relaxant.  

I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before, probably because I was so consumed with pain and didn’t think that something natural could fix the way I was feeling, but guess what, it did.  I took 5 Tang Kuei and 3 Herbalifeline and that was the beginning of my recovery, I threw out all the prescribed medication and continued to take the Tang Kuei and Herbalifeline every 4 to 5 hours and I haven’t looked back.

I believed in these products before but with my experience I am now truly convinced that they are the best on the market and I am a Herbalifer. 

I continue to have 2 shakes a day and all of my products, not to lose anymore weight but to keep me healthy and to keep my arthritis under control. 

I have never felt so good.

Melinda Boyes

Posted by Luana Fletcher on Sunday 8 September 2013
Hi, my name is Russell White from Lynbrook in Victoria, and I want to share my Herbalife story with you.

I started using these products because I saw the difference in energy it gave my wife Cheryl, after only a few days. I didn’’t really think I needed to lose much weight, but I started on an Advance program, although I was only ever on maintenance (1 shake a day instead of 2.) To my amazement, I shed 12 kg in just 3 months, and felt fantastic. I have lost another 3 kgs since then.

I had been seeing a doctor for my arthritic type pain and swelling in my joints, and he referred me to a specialist. The specialist diagnosed psoriasis arthritis, but could only give me anti-inflammatories to ease the pain and swelling when it occurred. He couldn’’t tell me what to avoid in my diet if anything, and also couldn’’t give me anything to ““cure”” the problem.

I had seen a few testimonials from people that had used herbalife products and had gained relief from arthritis type conditions, so I decided to upgrade my program. I added Herbalifeline (2 tabs 3 times / day), Tang Kuei (2 tabs 3 times / day), Xtra-cal (1 tab 3 times/day), and also the Aloe drink.

Basically since doing this, I have not had a reccurrence of the psoriasis arthritis (> 14 months now), whereas before I seemed to get an attack about once every 2-3 months. I now take every product that Herbalife has to offer, including the outer nutrition, and will be on these awesome products forever!

Regards, Russell White
Posted by Luana Fletcher on Monday 19 August 2013
Posted by Luana Fletcher on Tuesday 13 August 2013

Obesity in Australia

Australia is today ranked as one of the fattest nations in the developed world. The prevalence of obesity in Australia has more than doubled in the past 20 years.

Here is a round up of Australian obesity facts & figures. Of great concern is the health consequence to Indigenous Australians, who are today twice as likely as non-Indigenous Australians to be obese and are ranked the fourth-highest population in the world that is likely to suffer from type-2 diabetes.

Obesity in Australia

  • Fourteen million Australians are overweight or obese.
  • More than five million Australians are obese 
  • If weight gain continues at current levels, by 2025, close to 80% of all Australian adults and a third of all children will be overweight or obese. 
  • Obesity has overtaken smoking as the leading cause of premature death and illness in Australia. 
  • Obesity has become the single biggest threat to public health in Australia.
  • On the basis of present trends we can predict that by the time they reach the age of 20 our kids will have a shorter life expectancy than earlier generations simply because of obesity.

Secondary Complications
  • More than 900,000 Australians suffer from diabetes. 
  • Australians reporting heart, stroke and vascular diseases aged 15 years and over were much more likely to be classified as overweight or obese than those without heart stroke and vascular disease (65% compared with 51%).
  • Health disorders in children like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, hypertension and sleep apnea can be directly attributed to childhood obesity.
  • Cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes and chronic kidney disease (CKD) account for approximately quarter of the burden of disease in Australia, and just under two-thirds of all deaths. These three diseases often occur together and share risk factors, such as physical inactivity, overweight and obesity and high blood pressure.
Posted by Luana Fletcher on Sunday 11 August 2013

Joint Support Advanced

A formulation to help promote healthy joints

Key Benefits:

Joint Support Advanced helps maintain healthy joint function. It also contains Selenium and Manganese, both of which are essential minerals.

Why You Need It:

Joint Support Advanced has been specially formulated to provide nutritional support for active people to help maintain healthy joints and for the temporary relief of joint pain. Due to declining amounts of selenium found naturally in soil, it

is important to supplement your diet. Selenium acts as a powerful antioxidant whilst Manganese is good for bone health and acts as a co-factor in several metabolic and enzymatic reactions.

Key Ingredients:

Glucosamine hydrochloride - is clinically proven to support healthy joint function and comfort, and supports healthy ageing. Unlike pharmaceutical medicines that simply manage the symptoms, Glucosamine helps to delay the progression of osteoarthritis.

Scutellaria baicalensis (root) - a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) herb, added for its antioxidant and healthy-ageing benefits.

Selenium - an essential mineral vital for normal function of the immune system and thyroid gland.

Manganese - a mineral that is good for bone and cartilage health and acts as a co-factor in several metabolic and enzymatic reactions.

Copper - the third most abundant trace mineral in the body, but it is often deficient in a person’s diet because food sources high in this mineral are not always eaten frequently (such as oysters and liver).

Copper works together with iron to make red blood cells and it is the major component of the outer coating of nerve fibres and collagen. Copper is used by the body to manufacture numerous enzymes, many of which work as antioxidants.


Posted by Luana Fletcher on Saturday 3 August 2013
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