Claudia Gaston
Claudia Gaston
Herbalife Independent Member
67 Bedervale Loop
Doreen Victoria 3754
Email: Phone: 0417182008

Down 1 dress size in 1 month… heaps of energy…PLUS a successful pregnancy!

Hi! My name is Donalie Hayes.

I am 33 years old and I live in South Headland, Western Australia.

Before Herbalife, my baby son was 3 months old, I was tired all the time, I was steadily putting on weight, and as a breastfeeding mother was struggling with a see-saw milk supply.

I started on the Herbalife Starter program and I felt the difference straight away.

I immediately gained heaps of energy, my breast milk supply improved dramatically and stabilised, and to my delight I lost 5 kg in 6 weeks.

I went on to lose 7kg. I am now a size 10 and I haven’t been this size since I was 18 years old.

I feel fantastic!!                                                                                                     MY NEW STORY!




But for me, the most wonderful thing about Herbalife is the results with my health.

I had pregnancy problems before Herbalife.

Our son was my seventh pregnancy. Prior to this I had 5 early miscarriages and the stillbirth of a daughter at full term.

I had been on the Herbalife products for 7 months when I fell pregnant with our third child.

I am now 6.5 months pregnant, I did not miscarry, and to date it has been my healthiest, completely problem free pregnancy.

I believe it is thanks to the wonderful nutrition provided by the Herbalife products that I have managed to conceive and successfully carry this baby.

Donalie Hayes

Posted by Claudia Gaston on Sunday 8 September 2013
Joint Support Advanced                                                                                                                A formulation to help promote healthy joints Did You Know? There are two types of osteoarthritis: Primary Osteoarthritis - due to ageing; and Secondary Osteoarthritis - due to genetics, obesity and sporting injuries. Key Benefits: Joint Support Advanced helps maintain healthy joint function. It also contains Selenium and Manganese, both of which are essential minerals. Why You Need It: Joint Support Advanced has been specially formulated to provide nutritional support for active people to help maintain healthy joints and for the temporary relief of joint pain. Due to declining amounts of selenium found naturally in soil, it is important to supplement your diet. Selenium acts as a powerful antioxidant whilst Manganese is good for bone health and acts as a co-factor in several metabolic and enzymatic reactions. Key Ingredients: • Glucosamine hydrochloride - is clinically proven to support healthy joint function and comfort, and supports healthy ageing. Unlike pharmaceutical medicines that simply manage the symptoms, Glucosamine helps to delay the progression of osteoarthritis. • Scutellaria baicalensis (root) - a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) herb, added for its antioxidant and healthy-ageing benefits. • Selenium - an essential mineral vital for normal function of the immune system and thyroid gland. • Manganese - a mineral that is good for bone and cartilage health and acts as a co-factor in several metabolic and enzymatic reactions. • Copper - the third most abundant trace mineral in the body, but it is often deficient in a person’s diet because food sources high in this mineral are not always consumed frequently (such as oysters and liver). • Copper works together with iron to make red blood cells and it is the major component of the outer coating of nerve fibres and collagen. Copper is used by the body to manufacture numerous enzymes, many of which work as antioxidants.
Posted by Claudia Gaston on Sunday 11 August 2013

Chicken Noodle Soup

Chicken Noodle Soup

Soothe body and mind with this Asian-inspired twist on an old favourite.

Serves: 4
Prep:15 minutes + soaking time
Cooking Time: 5 minutes


200g vermicelli rice noodles
1½ litres homemade chicken stock
1 cup broccoli florets
1 cup bean sprouts
1 cup poached chicken, torn into fine strips
4 tsp store-bought fried shallots (available from supermarkets and Asian grocers)
4 tbs fresh coriander, chopped
4 sprigs Thai basil
2 red chillies, sliced
1 tbs rice vinegar


Place noodles in a large bowl; cover with cold water. Leave to soak for 15 minutes.

Bring a large saucepan of water to the boil; add noodles and stir for 30 seconds. 

Drain and divide among 4 serving bowls. 

Heat stock to a rolling boil. Add broccoli and bean sprouts; cook for 2 to 3 minutes. 

Arrange chicken on top of noodles. Pour hot stock and vegetables over chicken. Top with fried shallots, coriander and basil. 

Sprinkle chilli with rice vinegar and scatter into soups before serving.


Nutritional info per serving
1,283 kJ (306 cal), 17g protein, 46g carbs, 4g fibre, 5g fat (1g sat fat), 885mg sodium

Posted by Claudia Gaston on Thursday 11 July 2013
The Discover Good Nutrition, Fitness and Beauty blog is one to Like on Facebook and Follow on Twitter, it has very informative information on your health and well being.    Website: 
Posted by Claudia Gaston on Thursday 4 July 2013
MAPLE-PECAN BAR SNACKS  - 1 Cup French Vanilla Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix, 1 cup dry rolled oats, 1/2 cup peanut butter, 1/2 cup pure maple syrup, 1-2 capfuls of maple flavouring, 1/2 cup chopped pecans (combined all ingredients and press mixture into a 20x20cm baking tray.  Cut into 16 pieces. One serving = 1 meal replacement.        
Posted by Claudia Gaston on Friday 28 June 2013
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