Claudia Gaston
Claudia Gaston
Herbalife Independent Member
67 Bedervale Loop
Doreen Victoria 3754
Email: Phone: 0417182008

Down 1 dress size in 1 month… heaps of energy…PLUS a successful pregnancy!

Hi! My name is Donalie Hayes.

I am 33 years old and I live in South Headland, Western Australia.

Before Herbalife, my baby son was 3 months old, I was tired all the time, I was steadily putting on weight, and as a breastfeeding mother was struggling with a see-saw milk supply.

I started on the Herbalife Starter program and I felt the difference straight away.

I immediately gained heaps of energy, my breast milk supply improved dramatically and stabilised, and to my delight I lost 5 kg in 6 weeks.

I went on to lose 7kg. I am now a size 10 and I haven’t been this size since I was 18 years old.

I feel fantastic!!                                                                                                     MY NEW STORY!




But for me, the most wonderful thing about Herbalife is the results with my health.

I had pregnancy problems before Herbalife.

Our son was my seventh pregnancy. Prior to this I had 5 early miscarriages and the stillbirth of a daughter at full term.

I had been on the Herbalife products for 7 months when I fell pregnant with our third child.

I am now 6.5 months pregnant, I did not miscarry, and to date it has been my healthiest, completely problem free pregnancy.

I believe it is thanks to the wonderful nutrition provided by the Herbalife products that I have managed to conceive and successfully carry this baby.

Donalie Hayes

Posted by Claudia Gaston on Sunday 8 September 2013
Six months on Herbalife products and I haven't looked or felt better in years.  I have lost 6kgs down to 54kgs which I am happy to maintain now, but the 18 cms lost has everyone talking.  I had all my trousers/pants/jeans taken in at the waist and have a new wardrobe again. Thank you Herbalife for giving me 'Nutrition for a Better Life'!     
Posted by Claudia Gaston on Wednesday 11 September 2013


Why nothing should come between you and your beauty sleep | Beauty advice from HerbalifeSleep “N” Beauty! Do you skimp on sleep? We all know how important good nutrition and a healthy active lifestyle are for our health and our appearance. But do you know how crucial a good night’s sleep is?

They call it “Beauty Sleep” for a reason and, for me, that phrase is a guilt free excuse to sleep in and catch as many Zzzzz’s as possible. But sometimes it just isn’t that easy.

Getting a good night’s sleep, no matter how tired we are, can be difficult. We have so many things to do, and so much on our minds, that sometimes it’s hard to shut it all down and get some quality sleep. The fact is that without sleep we tend to look tired, run down and I hate to say it… OLDER!

The Buzz on Beauty Sleep

Here are a few quick tips to help you unwind and drift off into dream land for a good 8 hours of beauty rest.

 - Exercise

Samantha will be the first to tell you that exercise will help keep stress hormones from interfering with our sleep. Even if you only have 20 minutes to take a brisk walk, do it! It will definitely help you sleep better at night.

 - Don’t eat too late in the day

Try not to over-indulge just before bedtime. Large meals late in the day lead to an active digestive system that can definitely disrupt your sleep. And avoid caffeine. Coffee, non-herbal teas, some soda, chocolate; all can contain caffeine – a stimulant that can definitely keep us awake much longer then we would like. Try to avoid caffeine at least 4 hours before bedtime. Instead opt for a nice chamomile tea which is perfect for bedtime.

 - Use your bed for sleep

Time to turn off the TV, put down the electronic games and close that laptop. Our beds are for sleeping not for working. If we use our bed for sleep and not as a substitute couch, we will definitely reduce the risk of developing sleep disorders.

 - A cozy bedroom is key

My bedroom is my favorite room in the house. It’s comfy, it’s cozy, and it’s calm. The three main things we all need for a night of pure beauty sleep. Be sure your bedroom lighting doesn’t resemble interrogation lighting by keeping it soft.Do what you can to eliminate excess noise and keep the temperature at around 68F or 20C if you can. A bedroom that is too hot or too cold will result in a lot of tossing and turning during the night.

 - Develop a beauty ritual

Consistency is key when it comes to a good night’s sleep. If possible, try to go to bed around the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning. Take a relaxing bath; listen to some music, read your favorite magazine. Choose stress-free activities that will encourage relaxation. Scary movies at bedtime … not a good thing.

 - Get it all out

One thing that helps me out tremendously is writing things down. Sounds silly but if I can make a to-do list, vent my frustrations or simply journal about my day, I can definitely sleep better at night. Take the thoughts from the brain to a notebook and you don’t lie awake thinking about all of the things you forgot to do or wish you had done. Clear the head to make way for some sweet dreams.


Why nothing should come between you and your beauty sleep

Remember, it’s when we’re sleeping that our body repairs itself. Our bodies work all through the night to help heal our cells and this directly affects the overall health and appearance of our skin. If we don’t get enough sleep then our fine lines and wrinkles appear more noticeable, we wake up with dark circles and under-eye puffiness, and our complexion looks pale and dull. We also wake up cranky. When we’re cranky we don’t tend to smile very much and, trust me, a fabulous smile can take years off of our appearance.

I would love to hear any of your bedtime tricks for a good night’s sleep.

Written by beauty expert, Jacquie Carter. Jacquie is Director of Outer Nutrition at Herbalife. 

Posted by Claudia Gaston on Thursday 12 September 2013

Grilled lamb with pear mash

Grilled lamb with pear mash

Mashed potato is so last season! This healthy, simple recipe pairs spring’s favourite protein with a delicious, fruity mash.

Serves: 4
Prep: 20 minutes plus 3 hours marinating
Cooking Time: 25‒30 minutes


1 lemon, juiced

2 garlic cloves, crushed

2 tbs olive oil

720g lamb backstraps

½ cauliflower, cut into florets 

2 pears, peeled, cored and quartered

1 cup mint leaves

Pinch of salt

Cracked black pepper 


1. Set aside 2 tsp of the lemon juice. Put the remaining juice in a bowl and mix in the garlic and olive oil. Place the lamb in a glass or ceramic dish and pour over the lemon mixture. Cover and put in the fridge for at least 23 hours to marinate.

2. Preheat your oven to 180°C.

3. Steam the cauliflower and pear for 10‒15 minutes, or until tender. Transfer to a food processor and process with the remaining lemon juice, mint leaves, salt and some cracked black pepper until smooth. Transfer to an ovenproof dish, cover with foil and place in the oven to keep warm.

4. Heat a grill pan over high heat. Sear the lamb for 2 minutes each side. Transfer to a baking dish and put in the oven to cook for 68 minutes, until done to your liking.

5. Serve the lamb with the cauliflower and pear mash, and a green salad, if desired. 

Recipe courtesy of Judy Davie, Food Coach, Prevention magazine.

Posted by Claudia Gaston on Friday 13 September 2013
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