Frikkie Botha
Frikkie Botha
Herbalife Independent Member
kameeldrift east
Pretoria Gauteng 0039
Email: Phone:  29B2B77F


Did you know that the food, exercise, and lifestyle choices you make every day have a significant impact on your metabolism? 

 ·       For example, if you starve yourself (instead of following a sensible fat-loss eating plan) your metabolism will slow down.

·       If your metabolism slows down, it means your calories out will be less.

·       That means no more fat loss, and possibly even fat gain.

 Here are the top 10 ways to maximize your metabolism,

 1. Don’t starve yourself. Cutting calories too much is one of the worst things you can do to your body.  Starving yourself actually causes you to

lose much more water weight and muscle than fat. 

 2. Eat 6-8 small meals per day with an emphasis on lean protein, fruits and vegetables.  You have to have a nutrition plan, so spend time preparing

food for the upcoming week. 

 3. Eat breakfast.  At the very least, eat a lean protein, drink some Green Tea, and consume a fibre-rich fruit to get your fat loss day started right.

Try Herbalife Nutritional Shake for a convenient breakfast on the go. 

 4. Eat healthy fats.  Sources of healthy fats include nuts, fish, olive oil and flax oil.  Replace all processed carbohydrates in your diet with almonds. 

So instead of snacking on crisps, eat almonds. 

 5. Eat high quality foods that will help you control your blood sugar levels, insulin levels and energy levels.  Insulin management will help you lose

fat and prevent you from gaining fat.

 6. Eat 1.14g of protein per 450g of lean body mass.  If you don’t know your lean body mass, then simply eat 1g of protein per 450g of body weight.

 7. Limit your alcohol intake.  Alcohol intake can quickly add hundreds of calories and alcohol prevents fat burning.

 8. Drink Green Tea and water.  Both of these help prevent decreases in metabolism.  Not to mention they are your 2 healthiest beverage options.

A little coffee is fine, and other teas are also healthy. Try Herbalife Thermojetics Green Tea Beverage – you will shrink as you drink! 

 9. Stick to a consistent sleep schedule. Don’t stay up all night.  If you work shift work, stick to the rest of these principles as strongly as possible. 

 10. Exercise. Cardiovascular and strength training with moderately heavy weights will work wonders for you.

Posted by Frikkie Botha on Monday 13 August 2012

Struggling with dimply cheeks???


Fix this before spring arrives!!!

Herbal Complex Tablets

“The Body Shaper”

 Want to get rid of dimpled "orange peel" skin?
Excess body fluid can contribute to the appearance of dimpled skin and bloating.
Herbal Complex is designed to help improve the appearance of dimpled skin by helping the body regain its natural water

balance and aiding the elimination process of waste when taken with adequate water each day.

·       This unique product also helps to keep your nutrients in balance by re-supplying essential nutrients that have been 'flushed out'.

·       Water-soluble nutrients, such as Vitamin C cannot be stored in the body long term and therefore need to be replaced regularly.

Powdered Buchu is known to be a factor in assisting with the reduction of water retention
Hydrangea and juniper berry are known to assist with the reduction of water retention
Potassium works to maintain the body's normal water balance
Vitamin C has antioxidant properties and helps white blood cells fight infection!

Posted by Frikkie Botha on Saturday 18 August 2012

By having the same cereal each morning? Or is breakfast little more than a slice of burnt toast?:
Breakfast can be the most enjoyable, energising and versatile meal every day of the week.

With a cup of coffee while missing breakfast because you don't have time to eat?:
When every minute counts in the morning, you need a tasty and nutritious breakfast that takes just seconds to make..

Your breakfast may appear healthy, but is it really giving you what your body needs
in the morning?:

A breakfast packed with the right nutritional mix helps you stay healthier so you can continue doing the things you enjoy.

Your breakfast can affect the way you think, feel and act.

Simple carbohydrate-based Breakfast

High calories, low nutrients, low protein. Does your day start with
white bread, a sugary cereal or a pastry? These foods may give
you a short burst of energy but they lack the protein, fibre, vitamins
and minerals your body needs. Shortly after eating, you'll notice
your energy levels drop, making you feel tired and reach for
unhealthy snacks that can lead to weight gain.


No Breakfast

Low calories, low nutrients, low protein. Do you skip breakfast and then
snack to get the energy you need? Skipping breakfast means your body
has to draw on reserves of nutrients and water that will have depleted
overnight. This can make you feel tired, irritable and prone to snacking
on sugary foods for an energy boost.


Nutitionally complete Healthy Breakfast

Balanced calories, balanced nutrients, balanced protein. Breakfasts
with the right nutritional mix release energy slowly, keep you fuller for
longer and help you control your weight by limiting your need for snacks.
With a good balance of carbohydrates, protein and fats, you're more
likely to feel happy, healthy and more energised for the busy day ahead!


What do nutritionists recommend for breakfast?

"You need a good source of complex carbohydrates and sufficient protein,
vitamins and minerals to get your day off to the best start. The Herbalife
F1 shake contains the all the nutrients you need to sustain your energy
levels, stay fuller for longer and achieve maximum health." -

Luigi Gratton, M.P.H.,Vice President of Nutrition Education, Herbalife.


Choose an F1 Shake for:

Balanced nutrition: Contains high levels of vitamins and minerals to help you
achieve your Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA).

More energy: The slow release of energy helps you stay invigorated and alert.

Weight control: Scientifically proven way to help you control weight. Instant
Herbal Beverage can help you: stay hydrated, improve mental performance and
avoid sugary drink alternatives.


Whip up a Formula 1 Shake

The F1 shake is simple, delicious and easy to make. Packed with all the nutrition your body
needs, a tasty F1 shake can be whipped up in a matter of seconds and combines soy protein
with plant based carbohydrates to help you stay fuller for longer. At just over 200 calories per
serving, the F1 breakfast will keep you fuller for longer.


Weight-Management Formula 1

Formulated with an excellent balance of macro and micro nutrients, Formula 1 has been scientifically proven to be an effective way to control and manage weight when combined with a healthy active lifestyle.

Key Benefits

• Calorie restricted: contains less than 220 calories per shake to make it easy to manage daily calorie intake.

• Contains a balanced combination of soy protein and plant based carbohydrates that can help you feel fuller for longer and sustain your energy levels as part of a weight management or healthy nutrition programme.

• Contains soy: The inclusion of at least 25 grams of soy protein a day as part of a diet low in saturated fat can help you maintain healthy blood cholesterol levels.

• Contains soy protein which can help build and maintain lean muscle mass as part of a fitness programme.

• Contains high levels of essential vitamins and minerals to help you reach your Recommended Daily Allowance.

• Available in 6 flavours: smooth fruity options, plain vanilla, sweet chocolate or crunchy cookies & cream. The choice is yours!

• Optimise the taste by adding in your favourite fruits.


When trying to lose or manage your weight, it’s important to maintain a nutritionally balanced diet. A healthy meal like Herbalife Formula 1 keeps your calorie intake down to avoid putting on extra weight, while also providing essential vitamins and minerals, long lasting carbohydrate and protein for sustained energy and satiety.

#0141 Vanilla
#0144 Tropical Fruit
#0142 Chocolate
#0143 Strawberry
#0146 Cookies & Cream


Revitalise with an Instant Herbal Tea

Do you start the day with a rich espresso, or a high calorie coffee? Too much caffeine, sugar
and cream can make you tired, irritable and more likely to gain weight. At just 6kcal, the
Instant Herbal Tea can be enjoyed hot or cold and guilt free throughout the day.


Lacking in energy? Need to feel revived? Instant Herbal Beverage can help you feel more energised and may help to maintain and improve alertness – helps contribute to your mental performance. This great tasting drink only contains around 6 calories per serving.

Key Benefits

• The caffeine in Instant Herbal Beverages can help contribute to your mental performance

•Helps maintain and improve alertness

• Contains around 6 calories per serving

• Available in four great tasting and refreshing flavours to suit your taste

• Can be enjoyed hot or cold to suit your mood


Leading busy, fast paced lifestyles can be mentally draining and often means we constantly fight tiredness. Aid mental performance by having a refreshing drink such as Instant Herbal Beverage to help combat the vicious cycle of tiredness and leave you feeling more energised.


Mix ½ teaspoon (approx 1.7g) with 250ml of hot or cold water. Instant Herbal Beverage is a refreshing drink enjoyed alone or with meals and contains only 6.2 calories per serving.

#0105 - Original - 50g.
#0106 - Original - 100g.
#0255 - Lemon - 50g.
#0256 - Raspberry - 50g.
#0257 - Peach - 50g


Quench your thirst with Herbal Aloe Concentrate

If you're feeling less than your best, your fluid intake may be the reason why. By livening up
drink time with this refreshing citrus drink you may find it easier to get the fluid your body needs
to stay happy, healthy and hydrated. Herbal Aloe Concentrate helps you stay hydrated, feel alert
and again avoid sugary drinks.


Made from the Aloe leaf, Herbal Aloe Concentrate is a refreshing drink which contains Aloe Vera gel to give water a refreshing citrus twist.


  • Contains 40% Aloe Vera juice derived from the Aloe Vera leaf
  • No artificial flavourings or colours
  • Low in calories
  • The sourcing of the Aloe Vera is now made at Herbalife Innovations and Manufacturing. Herbalife owns the whole process from Seed to Feed!
  • Contains citrus to provide a refreshing flavour


Whether trying to control your weight or leading a busy and active lifestyle, it can be hard to ensure you give your body the required daily fluid intake of 2 litres each day. Using Herbal Aloe Concentrate provides a refreshing taste which may stimulate you to drink more water thus helping you to increase your fluid intake.


Mix 3 capfuls (15ml) with 120ml water.

Posted by Frikkie Botha on Saturday 18 August 2012
At it's most basic, losing weight is about burning more calories than you eat. That seems simple enough, but if were really that simple, none of us would have a weight problem. Too often we take drastic measures to see results -- diets, pills or those weird fitness gadgets on infomercials that promise instant success. Maybe you lose weight but what happens when you go off that diet or stop that crazy workout program? You gain it all back and more. The real secret to weight loss is to make small, lasting changes. The key is to forget about instant results and settle in for the long run.

Rules of Weight Loss

To lose one pound of fat, you must burn approximately 3500 calories over and above what you already burn doing daily activities. That sounds like a lot of calories and you certainly wouldn't want to try to burn 3500 calories in one day. However, by taking it step-by-step, you can determine just what you need to do each day to burn or cut out those extra calories. Below is a step by step process for getting started.

  1. Calculate your BMR (basal metabolic rate). Your BMR is the amount of calories your body needs to maintain basic bodily functions like breathing and digestion. This is the minimum number of calories you need to eat each day. Keep in mind that no calculator will be 100% accurate, so you may need to adjust these numbers as you learn more about your own metabolism.


  2. Calculate your activity level. For a week or so, keep an activity journal and use a calorie calculator to figure out how many calories you burn while sitting, standing, exercising, lifting weights, etc. throughout the day. Another, easier option is to wear a heart rate monitor that calculates calories burned. After a week, add your totals for each day and average them out to get a general idea of how many calories you burn each day.


  3. Keep track of how many calories you eat. For at least a week, enter and track your calories online (e.g., with Calorie Count) or use a food journal to write down what you eat and drink each day. Be as accurate as possible, measuring when you need to or looking up nutritional information for restaurants, if you eat out. After a week, add your totals for each day and average them out to get a general idea of how many calories you eat each day.


  4. Add it up. Take your BMR number and add your activity calories. Then subtract your food calories from that total. If you're eating more than your BMR + your activity calories, you're at risk for gaining weight.


Mary's BMR is 1400 calories and she burns 900 calories with regular exercise, walking around and doing household chores. To maintain her weight, she should be eating 2300 calories (1400 + 900= 2300). However, after keeping a food journal, Mary finds that she's eating 2550 calories every day. By eating 250 more calories than her body needs, Mary will gain about a pound every 2-3 weeks.

This example shows how easy it is to gain weight without even knowing it. However, it's also easy to lose weight, even if the process itself can be slow. You can start by making small changes in your diet and activity levels and immediately start burning more calories than you're eating. If you can find a way to burn an extra 200 to 500 calories each day with both exercise and diet, you're on the right track.

Posted by Frikkie Botha on Monday 20 August 2012

You can do it – we’ll show you how!


* The type of diet plan you choose has less to do with weight loss than the act of 

   sticking to it. 

Here are some effective ways to overcome common diet pitfalls

so you can keep your goals and look great all year round!

 1. Remember you’re in charge – Losing weight isn’t about cheesecake; it’s about feeling like you can control your body and your life.  Many people use food as an “I deserve this” treat, but then feel worse later when they can’t fit into their clothes.

 2. Get good support – We all have those “bad influence” friends who tell us we look fine just as we are, then coax us into splitting a dessert that we didn’t even want!    Get a diet buddy who will encourage you and help keep you in line.

 3. Set a goal – It’s easier to create a plan and strategy to achieve that goal.  So if you want to lose 10 kg’s, you can base your meals around that goal accordingly.  Be realistic with your goal.  Visualize yourself at this ideal weight in detail; what it’ll feel like and the clothes you’ll get to wear. It’s a great incentive.

 4. Start small – Want to increase your fruit and veggie intake and cut out all junk food? Don’t try to go cold turkey.  Set a few new rules each week and create a list of No’s.  Throughout, keep a list of what you are eating. 

 5. Get over your excuses – If you knew you’d get R50 000 for sticking to your diet for one day, wouldn’t you do it?  So, if you know you have a big work dinner coming up, stick to your eating plan religiously you’ll feel better for it.

 6. Make yourself accountable – So you slipped and ate half a box of chocolates. What now??  When you break a promise, confess it to someone else, it keeps you honest.  Verbalizing it makes it real and harder to sweep under the rug.

 7. No feeling bad – If you have fallen off track, don’t waste time feeling bad about it.  Acknowledge you went astray, and get back on the wagon.  This is much more empowering and less dramatic.

 8. Know it’s not about dieting - but about keeping a promise to yourself!

 Making promises to yourself and keeping them is the foundation for having what you want in every area of your life. 

 Improving your health energizes your confidence and understanding that you can do well for yourself.

Self-confidence is worth all the junk food in the world.

 Replace just two meals a day with a delicious healthy Herbalife Nutritional Shake and bring your goal weight closer in sight before you know it!!

Posted by Frikkie Botha on Wednesday 22 August 2012
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