Frikkie Botha
Frikkie Botha
Herbalife Independent Member
kameeldrift east
Pretoria Gauteng 0039
Email: Phone:  29B2B77F

The Herbalife Diet is easy to use; you can loose 4 – 12 kg in a month, look and feel great. While on the Weight loss programme you sometimes do not know what to eat. Here you will find a daily meal plan to help you loose weight while using the Weight Loss products.

Day 1 – Breakfast
2 Teaspoons Herbalife Nutritional Shake
1 Teaspoon Personalised amount of Herbalife Protein Powder
Mix together with 150 ml skimmed milk and 100 ml water or Mix with fruit juice

Day 1 – Morning Snack
Raw Celery and carrots with low fat dressing

Day 1- Lunch
2 Teaspoons Herbalife Nutritional Shake
1 Teaspoon Personalised amount of Herbalife Protein Powder
Mix together with 150 ml skimmed milk and 100 ml water or Mix with fruit juice

Day 1 – Late Snack
Instant Herbalife Thermojetics Beverage
Enjoy 1 cottage cheese with biscuit or a Herbalife Protein Bar

Day 1 – Dinner
One Chicken breast with soy sprouts, carrots, celery, squash, onions and green beans, dark green salad with reduced calorie dressing.


Day 2 – Breakfast
2 Teaspoons Herbalife Nutritional Shake
1 Teaspoon Personalised amount of Herbalife Protein Powder
Mix together with 150 ml skimmed milk and 100 ml water or Mix with fruit juice

Day 2 – Morning Snack
1 Apple
Herbalife Thermojetics Herbal tea and cottage cheese

Day 2 – Lunch
1 cup tomato soup
Tuna mixed with chopped vegetables
¼ avocado and light Italian dressing

Day 2 – Late Snack
Low fat yogurt

Day 2 – Dinner
2 Teaspoons Herbalife Nutritional Shake
1 Teaspoon Personalised amount of Herbalife Protein Powder
Mix together with 150 ml skimmed milk and 100 ml water or Mix with fruit juice

Day 3 – Breakfast
2 Teaspoons Herbalife Nutritional Shake
1 Teaspoon Personalised amount of Herbalife Protein Powder
Mix together with 150 ml skimmed milk and 100 ml water or Mix with fruit juice

Day 3 – Morning Snack
Herbalife Thermojetics Herbal Tea
Cottage Cheese

Day 3 – Lunch
2 Teaspoons Herbalife Nutritional Shake
1 Teaspoon Personalised amount of Herbalife Protein Powder
Mix together with 150 ml skimmed milk and 100 ml water or Mix with fruit juice

Day 3 – Late Snack
Tomato juice
1 fruit

Day 3 – Dinner
Crab meat
½ avocado
Dark green salad leaves
Soy sprouts
Grated reduces fat cheese
Sliced mango and reduced calorie dressing

Day 4 – Breakfast
2 Teaspoons Herbalife Nutritional Shake
1 Teaspoon Personalised amount of Herbalife Protein Powder
Mix together with 150 ml skimmed milk and 100 ml water or Mix with fruit juice

Day 4 – Morning Snack
Herbalife Thermojetics Herbal Tea
Cottage Cheese or Herbalife Protein Bar

Day 4 – Lunch
2 Teaspoons Herbalife Nutritional Shake
1 Teaspoon Personalised amount of Herbalife Protein Powder
Mix together with 150 ml skimmed milk and 100 ml water or Mix with fruit juice

Day 4 – Late Snack
1 nectarine
A low fat yogurt

Day 4 – Dinner
Soy protein burger
Grilled peppers, onions and aubergine
Soy sprouts tossed green salad with low fat dressing

Day 5 – Breakfast
2 Teaspoons Herbalife Nutritional Shake
1 Teaspoon Personalised amount of Herbalife Protein Powder
Mix together with 150 ml skimmed milk and 100 ml water or Mix with fruit juice

Day 5 – Morning Snack
Low fat yogurt with oatmeal

Day 5 – Lunch
1 egg
1 slice wholegrain toast
½ grapefruit

Day 5 – Late Snack
Raw celery and carrots with low fat dressing

Day 5 – Dinner
2 Teaspoons Herbalife Nutritional Shake
1 Teaspoon Personalised amount of Herbalife Protein Powder
Mix together with 150 ml skimmed milk and 100 ml water or Mix with fruit juice

Day 6 – Breakfast
2 Teaspoons Herbalife Nutritional Shake
1 Teaspoon Personalised amount of Herbalife Protein Powder
Mix together with 150 ml skimmed milk and 100 ml water or Mix with fruit juice

Day 6 – Morning Snack
1 fresh pear
Low fat yogurt

Day 6 – Lunch
2 Teaspoons Herbalife Nutritional Shake
1 Teaspoon Personalised amount of Herbalife Protein Powder
Mix together with 150 ml skimmed milk and 100 ml water or Mix with fruit juice

Day 6 – Late Snack
Herbalife Thermojetics Herbal Tea
Cottage Cheese

Day 6 – Dinner
Turkey Breast
Green beans
Green salad with low calorie dressing

Day 7 – Breakfast
2 Teaspoons Herbalife Nutritional Shake
1 Teaspoon Personalised amount of Herbalife Protein Powder
Mix together with 150 ml skimmed milk and 100 ml water or Mix with fruit juice

Day 7 – Morning Snack
Tomato Juice
1 Apple

Day 7 – Lunch
2 Teaspoons Herbalife Nutritional Shake
1 Teaspoon Personalised amount of Herbalife Protein Powder
Mix together with 150 ml skimmed milk and 100 ml water or Mix with fruit juice

Day 7 – Late Snack
Herbalife Thermojetics Herbal Tea
One low fat yogurt

Day 7 – Dinner
Grilled fish
2 cups spinach
Soy sprouts
Grilled peppers and onions

Posted by Frikkie Botha on Friday 21 September 2012

When it comes to kids nutrition, parents certainly have the best intentions. But many have busy lifestyles that don’t always allow enough time for grocery shopping, meal planning or cooking.


Others may not be aware of the healthiest ingredients or cooking methods and may too often rely on fatty or starchy foods as the basis for meals. Coupled with the picky eating habits that seem to be so prevalent among kids, it’s no wonder that children are often not eating as well as they should.

Age-Old Habits

Younger children often have a number of foods that they refuse to eat. Children can be particular not just about how a food tastes, but about temperature and texture too.


Older kids are frequently on the run, which may mean not only a lot of convenience items and fast foods, but erratic mealtimes too.

According to Luigi Gratton, M.D., clinical physician at University of California, Los Angeles, there are some tactics that parents can take with their kids to help them eat better.

"Setting a good example is a good first step," says Gratton. "Parents should make every attempt to demonstrate healthy eating habits with their kids, and this includes having regular meal times." He also notes that kids are more likely to eat healthy fruits and vegetables when they take part in food shopping and preparation.

Winning Strategies for Kids Nutrition

Here are a few ways parents can help their active children eat healthier.

Children are more inclined to eat healthy foods when they are offered frequently and regularly. Repeated exposure to vegetables, for example, is just one way to encourage your family members to try new foods.

It also helps to make foods visible and available. Try keeping a bowl of fresh fruit on the kitchen counter, or put crunchy, cut-up vegetables in the refrigerator.

Another approach for increasing intake of vegetables is by adding them to familiar foods. Cooked, pureed vegetables can be added to pasta sauce, for example, which boosts nutrition and reduces the overall calories in the dish.

Smooth Things Over

Kids also enjoy smoothies and products such as Herbalife’s new line of kids shakes - designed to be mixed with milk and provide a tasty way to help kids meet their vitamin and mineral needs for the day as a snack or part of a healthy meal.

 A bit of protein helps to curb appetite and limit frequent snacking on less healthy items. Despite parents’ best efforts, children’s diets may still fall short in certain key nutrients.

"A daily multiple vitamin and mineral supplement can help to round out any potential shortfalls in kids nutrition, and can act as a safety net," says Gratton.

"Look for age-appropriate products, which target the needs for the particular age of the child."

Kids nutrition is an area of concern for parents around the world. In the U.S. alone 30% of all kids under 15 are overweight. Only 14% of girls and 30% of boys get 100% RDA of calcium in their diets. -USDA-

Intake of low nutrient rich foods such as soft drinks, candy, desserts, salty snacks and discretionary fats made up 30% of daily calories among children. - NHANE studies from NHCS and CDC -

Breakfast as part of a healthful diet and lifestyle can positively impact children's health and well being. - Journal of the American Dietetic Association -

Improve your kids nutrition easily and safely.


Key Benefits:

  • Herbs, vitamins and botanicals, including chamomile and ginger (soothes digestion), plus antioxidants rosehips and acerola promote cellular nutrition.
  • Helps kids form healthy eating habits.
  • Kids love the taste
  • No artificial flavors, sweeteners or colors.


Posted by Frikkie Botha on Wednesday 19 September 2012
Athletes are usually on a constant quest to craft the perfect diet to give them the winning edge during an athletic performance.

While many athletes go through a bit of trial-and-error with their diet until they come up with a plan that works for them, there are a few key points that all athletes should keep in mind when trying to match their meals and snacks to their activity.

Carbohydrates are primarily what the body relies on for energy. The body needs a fairly steady source from the diet, since there’s only so much carbohydrate the body can store – in the form of glycogen – in the muscles and the liver.

It’s important to ‘top off the tank’ with some carbohydrate before an athletic event. In choosing what to eat, all athletes need to consider how much time they have to digest before they start an athletic performance or event.

  • Foods high in fiber and fat delay digestion time so save them for after your big event.
  • Light or liquid meals digest more quickly than solid ones.
  • During continuous activity that lasts longer than an hour, athletes need to keep the carbohydrate coming in. Specially designed sports drinks are ideal for this purpose, since they provide fluid and salts as well as the right amount of carbohydrate to keep muscles well fueled; some also provide small amounts of protein that help with muscle recovery.
  • Post-exercise, athletes must consume plenty of carbohydrate to replenish the stores in their liver and muscles. Ideally, athletes should try to eat within 30 minutes or so after their event or workout is over. Fruits, veggies, whole grains, beans and dairy products are all terrific recovery foods. This is the time to load back up on the higher fiber carbs since digestion time is no longer a concern.
  • Whey and casein – proteins derived from dairy products – are also needed after exercise to help promote muscle recovery. A protein smoothie made with milk and fruit, a sandwich on wholegrain bread with a glass of milk, or some yogurt with a piece of fruit are all excellent post-exercise meal ideas.
Posted by Frikkie Botha on Wednesday 19 September 2012

You can do it – we’ll show you how!


* The type of diet plan you choose has less to do with weight loss than the act of 

   sticking to it. 

Here are some effective ways to overcome common diet pitfalls

so you can keep your goals and look great all year round!

 1. Remember you’re in charge – Losing weight isn’t about cheesecake; it’s about feeling like you can control your body and your life.  Many people use food as an “I deserve this” treat, but then feel worse later when they can’t fit into their clothes.

 2. Get good support – We all have those “bad influence” friends who tell us we look fine just as we are, then coax us into splitting a dessert that we didn’t even want!    Get a diet buddy who will encourage you and help keep you in line.

 3. Set a goal – It’s easier to create a plan and strategy to achieve that goal.  So if you want to lose 10 kg’s, you can base your meals around that goal accordingly.  Be realistic with your goal.  Visualize yourself at this ideal weight in detail; what it’ll feel like and the clothes you’ll get to wear. It’s a great incentive.

 4. Start small – Want to increase your fruit and veggie intake and cut out all junk food? Don’t try to go cold turkey.  Set a few new rules each week and create a list of No’s.  Throughout, keep a list of what you are eating. 

 5. Get over your excuses – If you knew you’d get R50 000 for sticking to your diet for one day, wouldn’t you do it?  So, if you know you have a big work dinner coming up, stick to your eating plan religiously you’ll feel better for it.

 6. Make yourself accountable – So you slipped and ate half a box of chocolates. What now??  When you break a promise, confess it to someone else, it keeps you honest.  Verbalizing it makes it real and harder to sweep under the rug.

 7. No feeling bad – If you have fallen off track, don’t waste time feeling bad about it.  Acknowledge you went astray, and get back on the wagon.  This is much more empowering and less dramatic.

 8. Know it’s not about dieting - but about keeping a promise to yourself!

 Making promises to yourself and keeping them is the foundation for having what you want in every area of your life. 

 Improving your health energizes your confidence and understanding that you can do well for yourself.

Self-confidence is worth all the junk food in the world.

 Replace just two meals a day with a delicious healthy Herbalife Nutritional Shake and bring your goal weight closer in sight before you know it!!

Posted by Frikkie Botha on Wednesday 22 August 2012
At it's most basic, losing weight is about burning more calories than you eat. That seems simple enough, but if were really that simple, none of us would have a weight problem. Too often we take drastic measures to see results -- diets, pills or those weird fitness gadgets on infomercials that promise instant success. Maybe you lose weight but what happens when you go off that diet or stop that crazy workout program? You gain it all back and more. The real secret to weight loss is to make small, lasting changes. The key is to forget about instant results and settle in for the long run.

Rules of Weight Loss

To lose one pound of fat, you must burn approximately 3500 calories over and above what you already burn doing daily activities. That sounds like a lot of calories and you certainly wouldn't want to try to burn 3500 calories in one day. However, by taking it step-by-step, you can determine just what you need to do each day to burn or cut out those extra calories. Below is a step by step process for getting started.

  1. Calculate your BMR (basal metabolic rate). Your BMR is the amount of calories your body needs to maintain basic bodily functions like breathing and digestion. This is the minimum number of calories you need to eat each day. Keep in mind that no calculator will be 100% accurate, so you may need to adjust these numbers as you learn more about your own metabolism.


  2. Calculate your activity level. For a week or so, keep an activity journal and use a calorie calculator to figure out how many calories you burn while sitting, standing, exercising, lifting weights, etc. throughout the day. Another, easier option is to wear a heart rate monitor that calculates calories burned. After a week, add your totals for each day and average them out to get a general idea of how many calories you burn each day.


  3. Keep track of how many calories you eat. For at least a week, enter and track your calories online (e.g., with Calorie Count) or use a food journal to write down what you eat and drink each day. Be as accurate as possible, measuring when you need to or looking up nutritional information for restaurants, if you eat out. After a week, add your totals for each day and average them out to get a general idea of how many calories you eat each day.


  4. Add it up. Take your BMR number and add your activity calories. Then subtract your food calories from that total. If you're eating more than your BMR + your activity calories, you're at risk for gaining weight.


Mary's BMR is 1400 calories and she burns 900 calories with regular exercise, walking around and doing household chores. To maintain her weight, she should be eating 2300 calories (1400 + 900= 2300). However, after keeping a food journal, Mary finds that she's eating 2550 calories every day. By eating 250 more calories than her body needs, Mary will gain about a pound every 2-3 weeks.

This example shows how easy it is to gain weight without even knowing it. However, it's also easy to lose weight, even if the process itself can be slow. You can start by making small changes in your diet and activity levels and immediately start burning more calories than you're eating. If you can find a way to burn an extra 200 to 500 calories each day with both exercise and diet, you're on the right track.

Posted by Frikkie Botha on Monday 20 August 2012
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The Herbalife Diet is easy to use; you can loose 4 – 12 kg in a month, look and feel great. While on the Herbalife Weight loss programme you sometimes do not know what to eat. Here you will find a daily meal plan to help you loose weight while using the Herbalife Weight Loss products.
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