Faye Stevenson
Faye Stevenson
Herbalife Independent Member
Nottinghamshire NG15
Email: herbalifefaye@live.co.uk
Liverpool to London Charity Bike Ride

Posted by Faye Stevenson on Monday 10 February 2014
The benefit of protein is that it maintains muscle mass. Protein cannot be stored by the body, so we need to make sure we get enough throughout the day. Carbohydrate on the other hand is different, its main purpose is to be stored by the body as fat. So if your eating too much carbohydrate and not enough protein you will find it very difficult to put on healthy weight.
Every person needs a specific amount of protein in a day, we call this their protein factor...
You can workout your protein factor here.... http://healthyliving.herbalife.co.uk/check-your-bmi...
Try to get as close to your protein factor each day as possible for weight management and health
There is 20g of protein in the shake
Each scoop of personalised protein is 5g
The Herbalife snacks each have 10g
(Soup, soy nuts, bars)
For dinner a fillet has 25-30g of protein

As my customer I will help you create a customised plan !   Email [email protected]
Posted by Faye Stevenson on Monday 10 February 2014
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