Faye Stevenson
Faye Stevenson
Herbalife Independent Member
Nottinghamshire NG15
Email: herbalifefaye@live.co.uk
Independent Business Opportunity

Are You Looking for a Legitimate Home-Based Business?


Whether you want to supplement your income by selling Herbalife products part time, or increase your earning potential by working full time, becoming an Herbalife independent Distributor gives you ultimate flexibility. You decide the hours you work and the commitment you make.

With minimal start-up costs, Herbalife helps you create your own business from the comfort of your home. And, regardless of your experience or education, Herbalife provides some of the most advanced training and sales support available.

  • A Proven Track Record: Herbalife has an impressive track record of success and growth that spans more than three decades.
  • The Best Products: Our weight-loss, nutritional and personal-care products are among the finest in the world.
  • Top Compensation Plan: Herbalife's compensation is one of the most generous in the direct-selling industry.
  • Effective Tools: Distributors are supported by the most effective sales and marketing tools available.
  • Corporate Support: Our Distributors enjoy company-sponsored training events, access to online business-building tools and great rates on business-support services.
So if you want to take control of your destiny, while improving your health and the health of others, choose the Herbalife Business Opportunity.

*Income results achieved by Herbalife Independent Distributors vary from person to person. These examples are not necessarily typical or average, nor do they represent a guarantee of your personal results. Some examples are those of persons within the top 1% of all Distributors. As with any business opportunity, success depends largely on the individual distributor's skills, motivation and effort.

For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation.

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