Diet Tip: Shop the Perimeter

Location is everything in the grocery store.  Food placement aisle by aisle, shelf by shelf, has been studied to almost a science.  Have you ever noticed that when you need to run into the grocery to pick up just a gallon of milk or some eggs you have to walk through the entire store, past cookies, chips, and soda pop just to reach the dairy aisle.


Yep, the layout of the products is literally designed to test your willpower.  So my tip to you is when you visit the grocery for a full shopping excursion SHOP the PERIMETER of the store.  This is where you will find all your essentials:  produce, meat, dairy and eggs.  If you must venture into a center aisle for some Dijon mustard (say you are making your own low fat salad dressing), stay focused.  Select what you need and move on.  Don't be tempted by sale items like donuts placed strategically next to the whole grain breads, or the two-for-one super sized bags of Doritos next to the spelt pretzels (which are truly high in fiber!!!).

Fit's Tip:  I know this seems obvious, but don't go to grocery store without a list.  If you have a list and don't stray from it, chances are slim of coming home with a food item you really don't need.

Posted by Richard J. Wood on Friday 24 February 2017
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How to Stay Fit on Vacation

If you're shaping up for a warm-weather vacation, don't undo all your hard work once you get there with an overindulgent week.  The next time you take a break, use these tips from Barry's Bootcamp instructor Courtney Paul, who knows a thing or two about staying fit on vacation — he's hosting a fitness retreat at the West Bay Club in Turks and Caicos in May.  Even if you're not willing to commit to a full-on fitness routine during your holidays, here's how Courtney says you can enjoy your vacation while beating weight gain and feeling your best, no matter how much resting and relaxing you do.


  1. Stick to lean protein and vegetables:  No matter where you travel, you're bound to find fresh and healthy high-protein, high-fiber options to fill your plate.  "Try to avoid sugar, processed foods, and simple carbs," Courtney says.
  2. Fit in a short workout:  Start your day with 15-30 minutes of circuit training, Courtney recommends.  It only takes a few minutes of your time, and you'll feel better the rest of the day.  You don't even need to know what to do — do a quick YouTube search or check out all of our 10-minute Class FitSugar workout videos to put together the perfect vacation workout for you.  The important point is to make sure you stick to a muscle-building routine even when you're taking a much-needed break from your regular schedule.  "Strength training is key for maintaining lean muscle mass," Courtney says (which translates to more calories burned while you're lying on the beach!).
  3. Sip smart:  If you're trying to save empty calories during a night out, try Courtney's low-calorie recipe:  "Vodka or tequila with seltzer and a splash of fruit juice are best," he says.
Posted by Richard J. Wood on Friday 24 February 2017
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Weekend Reading: Skinny B*tch

I have to admit it — I definitely have been known to judge a book by its cover.  So when I was in the book store the other day, the title "Skinny Bitch" definitely caught my eye.


It's "a no-nonsense, tough-love guide for savvy girls who want to stop eating crap and start looking fabulous".  Written by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin, these two women give you the facts straight up with a side order of sass and no sugar coating (pun intended).

The basic message in this book is if you eat crap, you'll feel and look like crap.  They give you the truth about what you're putting into your body and how it affects you.  In Skinny Bitch, there's no beating around the bush when it comes to coffee, sugar, meat, dairy products, smoking, and artificial ingredients — there are entire chapters devoted to how giving these up can make you healthy and help you "get skinny".

This is such an easy read since the voice is so upbeat, straightforward, and outrageous.  All they say is backed up with interesting scientific facts in a way that's easy to understand so you feel like a friend is sitting you down and "telling you like it is" instead of some stodgy doctor.

After they give you the truth about what you're eating, they don't just leave you in the dust.  There are also chapters about nutrition, meal ideas, great health food products, and a list of ingredients to watch out for.

I definitely recommend checking out this hilarious book that encourages you to wake up and smell the truth, and start getting healthy.  You can get it at any major bookstore or order it from Amazon ($11.16).

Posted by Richard J. Wood on Friday 24 February 2017
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Soul Aerobics: Taylor Hicks' Weight Loss

If you've been following American Idol at all (and even if you haven't) then you probably know who Taylor Hicks is and you've probably also noticed that he has slimmed down a bit.


People are always buzzing about how AI winners end up losing a bunch of weight and Hicks is no different.  MyFoxMilwaukee is claiming he lost about 20 pounds since he first appeared in the spotlight.  How did he do it?  Well, Soul Aerobics of course.  Hicks, like many performers, credits his weight loss to dancing around on the stage while performing on tour.  So while you may not be American Idol material, you can still achieve the same results by taking cardio dance classes such as the NikeWomen Workout or even by doing dance workouts at home like the Bollywood DVD workout.  Dancing is a great way to burn a whole lot of calories all while having a good time.  Check with your gym to see what cardio dance/aerobics classes are offered.

You can see the video of the full report on Hicks' weight loss and his so called Soul Aerobics on  Who knows, maybe Hicks will have his own workout video soon ...

Posted by Richard J. Wood on Friday 24 February 2017
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Easy Diet Tips

There are times in our lives when we are looking to cut back on the calories.  Call it dieting, call it eating healthy, call it making a lifestyle change.  No matter what you call it here are some easy tips to help you keep your caloric intake in check.


  1. Never, ever Super Size an order.  Just don't.  Condiment wise — stick to mustard since it is so low in calories.  Avoid the honey mustard varieties since they have added sugar.
  2. Eat fruit instead of drinking fruit juice, but if you must drink juice water it down.  Why not make a spritzer with your favorite juice and some sparkling water?
  3. Don't stand by the buffet table at BBQs or parties.  I know this one seems obvious, but it is always good to reiterate the importance of location.
  4. Close your kitchen at 7:30 PM.  Finish dinner, clean up, and stop the late night snacking.  If your sweet tooth is calling or your mouth is bored, brew yourself a cup of naturally sweet herbal tea like Chamomile or Rooibos.


Have a great dieting tip you want to share, tell us about it in the comment section below.

Posted by Richard J. Wood on Friday 24 February 2017
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