You Probably Didn’t Know These 25 Foods Help Build Muscle

Building muscle happens when you find the balance between strategic strength training and an eating plan (that should include proper protein and healthy carbohydrates while limiting refined sugars, processed food, and artificial ingredients).  However, that doesn’t mean you have to settle for the same salmon and kale for lunch and a dry chicken breast for dinner! Here’s a compilation of 25 muscle building foods that can add variety to your diet and help you sculpt those muscles into flex-worthy shape.

1. Oysters:  Another seafood pick that offers the mineral zinc, oysters are rich in protein and help replenish muscles broken down from training.

2. Vinegar:  Not only a nice pairing with your olive oil for salads, but when paired with carbohydrates, it acts as an agent to cause those carbs to be stored as muscle glycogen, rather than stored fat.

3. Green tea:  Green tea is a wonderful antioxidant and diuretic that has also been linked to fat loss and improved blood circulation.  A perfect substitute for coffee when in muscle mode! If you haven’t tried our Detox Green Tea you are seriously missing out.  Give it a go already!

4. Eggs:  A whole egg is a perfect pick for a protein punch.  And don’t get rid of the yolk! When trying to build muscle, the yolk contains beneficial nutrients worthy of consumption.  We’re currently salivating over these 11 incredible egg recipes.

5. Broccoli:  Not only is broccoli low in calories and filling, it also contains a significant amount of soluble fiber, which aids in fat loss.  Who doesn’t love a fat loss bonus?!

6. Chocolate milk:  Another option containing the slow-digesting protein, casein, chocolate milk has been touted as not only a great post-workout recovery drink, but a good source of necessary carbs.

7. Almonds:  These nuts stack up high when it comes to fiber and protein in comparison to most nut options.  They also contain vitamin B, a vitamin linked to energize metabolism.  Try Skinny Mom’s yummy Fruit and Almond Trail Mix, which is kid-tested and mommy-approved.

8. Raspberries:  Raspberries contain the most fiber of all berries.  A fiber-filled diet is imperative for proper digestion and muscle sculpting.  The antioxidants can also help regulate metabolic rates and insulin sensitivity.

9. Avocados:  Packed with monounsaturated fat, the “good” fat, avocados can help eliminate weight from the midsection while containing a host of 20 different essential nutrients.

10. Quinoa:  An option over grains that is high in amino acids, which sets it apart from most carbohydrates in your diet.  Team Skinny Mom is quinoa-obsessed.  Try our Quinoa Mexi-Lime recipe!

11. Apples:  Offering electrolytes, carbs and fiber, apples are a great post-workout snack and option for adding muscle mass to your physique.

12. Spinach:  Not only known as a superfood, the calcium in spinach can help to relax muscles and prevent cramping during muscle training intervals.

13. Mussels:  Just say yes to seafood, and especially these muscle-building mussels.  High in protein and low in fat, mussels also contain B12, which is essential for active individuals.

14. Extra virgin olive oil:  Another source of monounsaturated “good” fat, extra virgin olive oil is a great enhancement to your salads and vegetable servings when in muscle-building mode.

15. Oats:  Oats are high in fiber, yet offer low sugar and carbohydrate options needed for lasting energy when muscle training.  Look for whole rolled oats and avoid processed options.  We love starting the day with Slow Cooker Oats topped with blueberries.  NOM.

16. Turkey:  Turkey weighs in as one of the leanest meat options available.  Packed with protein, turkey paired with vegetables can make for a hearty and muscle-friendly meal.

17. Carrots:  Not only a source of vitamins, carrots are also rich in fiber and low in calories.  They make an easy grab-and-go snack raw or can be cooked as a side dish with meals.

18. Cottage cheese:  Also containing casein, cottage cheese additionally contains an average of 28 grams of protein in one cup! Choosing a low-fat cottage cheese is a great option provided it has not been supplemented with extra sugar or sodium.

19. Lentils:  A perfect side dish with lean meats or vegetables, lentils offer fiber, protein, and slow-digesting carbohydrates most desirable when training to strengthen muscles.

20. Beets:  Packed with natural nitrates, beets stand up to improve lasting performance when it comes to vasodilatation, or widening of blood vessels, which inhibits muscle growth.

21. Black beans:  Don’t save these gems for taco night.  Eating black beans provides you with vitamins B, K, C, and A, which are low in saturated fats.  It’s a high protein and fiber food that is low in calories.  Yes, please!

22. Salmon:  One of these best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, salmon cannot be left off of any list for those who want to improve their physique.  Look for wild salmon over farm-raised, which can be raised on corn and grain feed.  From salmon burgers to salmon sushi bowls, we’ve got you covered in the superfood salmon department.

23. Venison:  It may not be a meat that you come across often, but when you do, take advantage! Venison is high in iron and low in saturated fat and an excellent source of protein that packs flavor and nutrition.

24. Brown rice:  A staple on most body builder diets, brown rice offers complex carbohydrates which lead to lasting energy for athletes.  Look for whole grain options when shopping for this staple.

25. Greek yogurt:  With more than twice the protein of regular yogurt, Greek yogurt is a great source to turn to when focused on muscle enhancement.  Just be careful to avoid Greek yogurt with artificial colors, added sugars, and artificial ingredients.  Greek yogurt also contains casein, a slow digesting milk protein to help keep you feeling full longer.

Don’t let your meals become boring — add some of these foods for a good variety and watch those muscles grow!

Posted by Richard J. Wood on Tuesday 18 October 2016
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Top 13 home remedies for rapid weight loss

The fastest way to lose weight and that too naturally.  The first and foremost thing that you should remember is that you should not skip meals or eat at irregular times in any weight loss plan.  If you ever thought that skipping a meal or two an eating a hearty meal only once a day is never going to help in reducing your weight.  Also, make sure that you set realistic weight loss target goals before beginning a weight loss program and try to achieve the set target.  Always bear in mind that you can only stretch your body to a certain limit with rigorous exercise routines and a well balanced and healthy diet plan.

Sure, slow and steady may win the race, but who wants to plod along like a tortoise, especially when a warm weather getaway is right around the corner?  Add these 7 super foods to your day, compliments of the New York Times bestseller Zero Belly Diet, to get your weight-loss goals on hyper speed.  With more people are having pizza’s, burgers and junk food instead nutritional food, Belly fat has become a major concern for many, no matter what the age is.  Often known as visceral fat, heavy weight is caused due to inflammation and should be treated at the earliest possible; else may result in diabetes, high blood pressure and certain liver disorders.


1) Breakfast Smoothie:

You have to have breakfast — right?  I want you to have a breakfast smoothie packed with protein to keep you full for hours.  This following recipe mixed in a blender makes a quick and easy smoothie that contains antioxidants that will cleanse you of toxins and boost your immunity:

• 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk
• ½ cup of frozen berries
• ½ banana
• 2 tablespoons of rice protein powder
• 2 tablespoons of flax seed powder


2) Almonds:

Think of each almond as a natural weight-loss pill.  A study of overweight and obese adults found that, combined with a calorie-restricted diet, consuming a little more than a quarter cup of the nuts can decrease weight more effectively than a snack comprised of complex carbohydrates and safflower oil after just two weeks! For optimal results, eat your daily serving before you hit the gym.  The almonds, rich in the amino acid L-arginine, can actually help you burn more fat and carbs during workouts.  Fill up, but don’t fill out.


3) Legumes:

It’s time to focus on your lentil health eating a calorie-restricted diet that includes four weekly servings of legumes aids weight loss more effectively than an equivalent diet that doesn’t include beans.  Those who consumed the legume-rich diet also saw improvements in their “bad” LDL cholesterol levels and systolic blood-pressure.  To reap the benefits at home, work lentils, chickpeas, peas and beans into your diet throughout the week.


4) Omega-3 Fatty Acids Rich Foods:

A latest research has revealed that foods that contain high percent of omega-3 fatty acids and low percent of omega-6 fatty acids will work best to reduce inflammation.  Few foods that are good sources of Omega-3 include fish, flax seed and walnuts.


5) Grape Fruit:

This quick weight loss tip was made famous by the grapefruit diet.  By adding a ½ grapefruit 3 times a day you can rev up your fat burning furnace.  This is just one of many metabolism booster foods but is one that really helps.  Studies show that by including ½ grapefruit 3 times a day people lost more weight faster.


6) fibre-Rich foods :

Taking foods that are rich in fibre can help prevent the problem.  Research revealed that eating 10 grams of soluble fibre each day can build less visceral fat when compared to others.  A fibre rich food simply includes two apples, a cup of green peas and a half-cup of pinto beans.

Minimising calorie intake by filling yourself with vegetables, proteins and whole grains is always a good option to go for.  Incorporating these foods can help you get on your way to flatter belly.  Hence, it’s worth to try these foods to burn belly fat faster.


7) Oats:

Oats are the best sources for insoluble fibre and help to digest the food properly.  Oats give you the energy required for better workout and helps reduce the fat content in the body.  But make sure that, you buy only flavourless oats because these do not contain sugar and chemicals.



Swap your regular cheeses made from cow’s milk with goats cheese.  The calories in cheese are highly variable.  Goats cheese contains 40% fewer calories than regular cheese.


9) Drink More Water:

Doctors recommend that one must drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water in a day.  Drinking more water helps the stomach feel fuller and reduces cravings considerably.  Take one glass of water before every meal;  it is a good way to keep you from overeating.  Substitute all your sodas, fruit juice, teas, coffee, and beer for a glass of water and you could lose weight fast.


10) Avoid Salt:

Eating more than the recommended 2500 mg (1 tablespoon) of sodium each day will cause you to retain water and weight gain.  Sodium holds up to 50 times its weight in water.  When you limit the amount of sodium you eat your body will begin to expel some that unwanted water weight.


11) Eat More Protein:

You’ll eat up to 500 calories less per day when at least 30% of the calories you eat is from protein and … you increase your body’s fat burning metabolism every time you eat fibre & protein because your body has to burn a lot of calories just to digest the protein & fibre you eat plus … Protein speeds up your weight loss by helping you build and/or maintain lean muscle that also raises your fat-burning metabolism.


12) CHEW Your Food Longer:

You should chew everything you eat at least 8-12 times.  Eat slowly.  Your body doesn’t realise that you’ve had enough to eat until several minutes after you’ve had it.

If You Eat Too Fast:

Studies show the body is accustomed to an average numbers of chews per mouthful.  If you chew your food more than usual, not only will you eat more slowly, but also you’ll trick your body into thinking it’s had more to eat.


13) Avoid Sodas:

Even Diet sodas! Since regular soda is basically a weight gainer drink and since water is a 0 calorie weight loss drink — You would lose 1 pound every week if you replaced 2 bottles of soda with 2 bottles of water so go here to see how to stop drinking soda.

A University of Texas at San Antonio study showed that people who drank diet soda increased their waistlines 6 times more than people who drank any other kind of drink including regular soda!


Here 3 Detox water Smoothies is Given for Rapid Weight Loss:

i) Detox Cucumber Water:

Everyone’s metabolism receives a welcome boost from the lemons and limes.  Meanwhile, the grapefruit instills an abundance of energy with an amazing zing.  Cucumbers promote an effect of physiological purification, and mint soothes the lungs and belly.  Grapefruit provides an extra dose of sweetness.  The end result is an addictively refreshing source of hydration.  After 5 minutes in a mason jar, all of the fresh flavours mingle to create a fiercely zesty bite.  Each sip is tantalising and tangy.  This lively drink brings the garden to life!


ii) Watermelon Detox Water:

The latest dieting trend has reached a new level of evolution with this insanely flavourful watermelon detox water.  There are plenty of antioxidants stored within the juicy melons, and its nutrient contents are through the roof.  One of its key compounds is the phytonutrient known as lycopene.  This generous ingredient is an extraordinarily strong antioxidant, and it also is known to foster anti-inflammatory effects.  Amino acids are also provided to aid in blood flow and cardiovascular well-being.  This is great for anyone with a rigid fitness routine.  Seedless watermelons are preferred for this blend, and the final product is a ruby red wonder!


iii) Blueberry Lavender Water:

This one is a special elixir that cures the mind and body alike.  The blueberries naturally expel unwanted toxins in droves, and they release ample B vitamins into the system, which promotes energetic exercise alongside active engagement.  The lavender is also particularly soothing for the brain.  In terms of detox water recipes, it is hard to find another brew that delivers such stamina and clarity.  When selecting lavender leaves, it is wise to select mature plants with robust petals.  The opposite is true for berries.  With smaller varieties, more nutrients can be jam-packed into the detox blend.

Posted by Richard J. Wood on Tuesday 18 October 2016
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I'm Trying to Lose Weight and Now I Hate These 11 Things

Losing weight sucks. Plain and simple. Certain people make dropping those pounds even harder, but there are also certain things you can't stand because they make you want to eat and eat and EAT! If you're trying to slim down, you'll want to avoid these things.



Barbecues, holidays, graduation parties — their sole purpose is to offer obscene amounts of delicious food. Oh, and to eat it and wash it down with alcoholic beverages. And then, of course, to eat more until you explode.


Grocery Shopping

Seeing all that produce and healthy foods in my cart just reminds me how much I want cake. And the free samples? Come on!


Clothes Shopping

Bathing. Suit. Shopping. Need I say more?


Happy Hour

Oh, just an ice water and side salad for me. F* that. How can I not order margaritas with nachos?



Walking by their open doors; the aromas of freshly baked, still-warm rolls; and sweet, flaky pastries call to me. Think these are Paleo? I'm gonna go with yes.


Fairs, Festivals, Games, and Other Family-Friendly Places

These places don't just sell food; they sell the most ridiculously decadent foods you never even knew you wanted to eat — and many deep-fried, smothered in cheese or chocolate, and served on a stick.


Walking by Outdoor Cafes

Hi, you don't mind if I just sit down right here and eat that, do you? Thanks.


Food Noises

The rustling of potato-chip bags, popcorn popping, beer-bottle tops and cans of soda opening, people crunching, sipping, or slurping — it's hard to not want all of these things after hearing those familiar sounds.


Farmers Markets

Hmm, homegrown kale or homemade sugar-coated doughnuts?



How can I immerse myself in the culture without eating everything I see?



Ice cream cones, beer, barbecues, bathing suits. Awesome. Just awesome.

Posted by Richard J. Wood on Monday 17 October 2016
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