Melt Fat and Build Muscle: Printable Workout With Weights

It's time to build some metabolism-boosting muscles!  Just print this poster of our dumbbell blast circuit workout.  Then grab your weights, and get ready to crush your workout!

Posted by Richard J. Wood on Tuesday 25 October 2016
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Do These 9 Things in Your Kitchen to Lose Weight

The kitchen is the heart of the home, but it's also the place that can make or break you on the weight loss front.  If you're on a quest to slim down, do these nine things in your kitchen.

  1. Make fruits as accessible as a bag of chips:  Wash, cut up, and store fruits such as grapes, melon, kiwi, pineapple, and apples in reusable containers in the fridge so they're easy to grab.  Make sure they're right up front at eye level so they're the first thing you see when you open the fridge door.
  2. Prepare a big container of salad:  Having a salad before dinner is a great way to fill you up so you eat less of the main course, but preparing a salad every night takes so much time that it's tempting to skip out.  Ensure you get a bowl of greens every night by making an enormous bowl of salad at the beginning of the week.  You're sure to eat a salad with dinner if it's already made — just scoop out a bowl, top with vinaigrette, and enjoy.
  3. Have measuring cups and spoons on the counter:  Measuring your food will keep portions in check since over-estimating serving sizes is a huge reason people don't lose weight.  Seeing measuring spoons and cups on your kitchen counter will be a visual reminder not to forget to use them.
  4. Pre-make snack packs:  You know what happens when you eat chips or crackers out of the box — you practically end up polishing off the entire package!  Take your favourite healthy snacks such as mixed nuts, popcorn, cheese, and fresh fruit, grab some Ziploc bags, and make some measure snack packs you can keep in your cupboard or fridge.
  5. Ditch the unhealthy foods:  Your partner might be a fan of an occasional can of soft drink, bowl of cookie dough ice cream, or chocolate, but if those foods are within your reach, you're bound to crave them.  Throw out or give away the junk because if it's not in your kitchen, you can't be tempted to eat it.
  6. Use smaller-sized plates:  When we prepare a plate of food, we feel the need to fill it up completely.  If you start out with a smaller-sized salad plate, there's only so much you can pile on, so you'll end up consuming fewer calories.
  7. Freeze fruits and veggies:  Buy larger bags of fruits and veggies at the store and wash, cut, and store them in baggies in the freezer.  You'll not only save money when you buy in bulk, but you'll also have them on hand to add to your smoothies, yogurt, pasta dishes, soups, and omelettes.
  8. Double or even triple the recipe:  Whether you're making soup, roasted veggies, quinoa salad, or something else for dinner, don't just make enough for one meal.  Package the leftovers in containers you can easily grab for the next few days' meals.  If your lunch or dinner is already prepared, you won't have to resort to unhealthy takeout.
  9. Put food away before you sit down to eat:  After you've cooked up an amazing meal, serve yourself an appropriate serving size and then wrap it up and put it in the fridge.  If you leave it out, you're more likely to go back for unnecessary seconds or thirds.  Out of sight means off your hips.

Posted by Richard J. Wood on Tuesday 25 October 2016
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This Snack Hack Can Help You Lose Weight Faster

Just as you map out your week of lunches (we love mason jar salads!) and dinners (here are the dos and don'ts of meal planning), getting your week's worth of snacks ready at the beginning of the week is just as important on your road to weight loss.  Mason jars make it easy to keep portions under control, and here are some great ideas for morning and afternoon nibbles to add to them.


Hummus and Veggies

Pack your jar full of veggies to keep the hummus on the bottom.


Fruit, Yogurt, and Granola Parfait

If you want less sugar, use plain yoghurt and plain oats instead.


Fruit Salad

Adding a little lemon juice will prevent your fruit from browning.


Veggies With Dip

You can use store-bought dip or make this creamy white bean dill dip.


Dried Fruit and Nuts

Keep these jars small as nuts and dried fruit are high in calories.


Carrots and Almonds

A unique yet delicious and fibre-full combo.


Layered Plain Veggies

The layers make it more fun and easier to pack a week's worth at a time.


Chia Seed Pudding

Here's a simple three-ingredient chia seed pudding recipe you can doll up any way you choose.


Apples With Nut Butter

If you're nut free, go for this homemade sunflower seed butter.


Pretzels With Cream Cheese

Mix chopped fruit and cinnamon or veggies and herbs into the cream cheese for a sweet or savoury twist.


Energy Balls

Here are some of our favourite energy ball recipes.

Posted by Richard J. Wood on Tuesday 25 October 2016
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Do These 4 Things Before Bed Tonight to Lose Weight Tomorrow

While losing weight isn't something that happens overnight, doing some prep work the night before can make all the difference when you step on the scale.  If slimming down and becoming healthier are two goals at the top of your priority list, here are four must-dos to make part of your weeknight routine.


Brown Bag It

Not planning ahead is one mistake nutritionists agree causes weight gain.  You can avoid the temptation of eating countless calories at the local cafe by packing a lunch from home.  When made right, salads are great because they're full of fibre and protein to satisfy hunger and keep blood sugar steady.  Prepare a salad in a mason jar like this roasted sweet potato and quinoa salad, or make extra for dinner and bring along this sesame ginger quinoa salad.

Whatever you choose, it's much easier to add up the calories on lunches you pack from home.  And when it's made the night before, there's no morning stress or forgoing it altogether because you don't have time.  Go the distance and pack snacks, too, and put everything in the actual lunch bag, so when it's time to head out for the day, you can just throw in an ice bag, grab it, and go.


Morning Time-Saver

After lunch is in the bag (literally), take a little time to prepare tomorrow's breakfast.  Eating breakfast is one way to jump-start your metabolism, and if it's full of fibre and protein, you'll feel satisfied all morning long — hunger- and energy-wise — which eliminates the urge to snack on more calories.  Instead of grabbing a quick bowl of cereal, a sugar-laden scone at the local coffee shop, or (gasp!) skipping out on breakfast altogether because you're rushed, making breakfast at night will save time and calories.

If smoothies are your thing, pre-make these freezer packs, so you can throw them in the blender and be slurping down your first meal at the kitchen table or on the go.  Overnight oats are also extremely filling, or go for this apple cinnamon quinoa bake.  In the mood for something different that has debloating powers?  This chia seed pudding makes mornings delicious.  Once breakfast is made, you're also more likely to wake up energetic and excited.


Hit the Hamper

Skip the fitness gear morning round-up by getting everything you need for your workout ready the night before.  If your sports bra is drying over the shower rod from your earlier workout, grab that, your tank, shorts, socks, sneaks, sunglasses, iPod armband, earbuds — everything you need — and lay it out or throw it in your gym bag.  Calorie-burning workouts are much more likely to happen if you deliberately take the time to prep for them.  And if you make this a habit every night before a workout, you're more likely to get in the rhythm of a regular exercise routine.


Get Cutting

You don't want to undo all the good you did for the day by coming home tomorrow night starving and throwing together a quick and probably not-the-healthiest meal.  So now that tomorrow's lunch, breakfast, and workout gear are all set, take a little time to prep for tomorrow night's dinner.

Cut up some capsicum, zucchini and sweet potatoes to roast or grill later.  Or make an enormous salad, cook up some whole grains like millet or barley, soak quinoa to make this quinoa pizza crust, or get this spaghetti squash "pasta" bake in a dish and store it in the fridge so it's ready to cook up for tomorrow.  If you don't feel like spending anymore time in the kitchen, even taking 10 minutes to plan what you're going to eat is half the battle — here are dinner recipes under 500 calories.

Posted by Richard J. Wood on Tuesday 25 October 2016
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Clean Eating Breakfast Smoothie

Eat clean with this yummy smoothie for 2!

Serves:  2

Prep time:  5 mins

Total time:  5 mins


  • 1 cup of strawberries
  • 1 banana
  • ½ cup of oats
  • 1 tablespoon of raw honey
  • ½ cup of peanut butter
  • 1 cup of almond milk (or normal milk)
  • handful of icecube

Instructions: Throw everything in the blender and blend away! So easy and healthy too!

Posted by Richard J. Wood on Monday 24 October 2016
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