My Weight Loss Journey


Welcome to my blog, my name is Ricky. My weight loss journey began 5 months ago, when i gained over a 100 pounds. I lost my job, became depressed, and food was my outlet.  I struggled with basic things like, putting on my shoes, bending over, clothes fitting me, self esteem, comments, and stares. I tried other ways of losing weight, exercise, fad diets, and not eating enough, nothing seemed to work. I had the right concept, just didnt have the right tools to be successful in my weight loss struggle. I struggled with health, constantly feeling awful, getting sick, high blood pressure, dizziness, shortness of breath. I'm sure many of you can relate to what im saying, and i hope i can inspire you to take the first steps in getting healthy again, and finally breaking the chains, weight has upon us. I'm not a nutritionist, im not a personal trainer, im not a doctor, i'm just a average Joe, who found a great natural way to lose weight, and become stronger, healthier, and hopefully live a long life. I've learned that it doesnt matter if you work out 5 days a week, if you have a poor diet.  Herba Life is all natural, it has all the nutrients the body needs to kick start your metabolism, helps you feel full, and surpresses your hunger. The protein in the shakes, and other products sustain your cravings for food. Obviously, you cannot live off of shakes alone, this is where the hard part for many of us begins, it's eating clean foods. Minimizing, starch intake, sugar intake. You will be surprised at your results, just by changing a few of your daily eating habits, eliminating soda, and drinking water instead, bake your meat, instead of frying, eat whole grain foods, instead of flour based products. Eat more greens, and less rice. These are just some of the things i've done, along with exercise and Herbal Life, and im proud to say im a different person inside and out. I feel strong, healthy and happy. It's not an easy road, But WILLPOWER, is an amazing quality to have. If you want it bad enough you will be successful, believe in yourself, and the rest will fall into place. Once your journey begins, notate your start, your progression, you will be amazed at what your hard work will do for you. Stay positive, i believe in all of you, i'm always available to answer questions, i have recipes for foods. Im here to help you, as well as give you a great price on the products i use. I'm not here to make money, instead i'm here to change peoples lives, like Herbal Life has changed mine. God bless all of you.

Ricky Tiben.
Posted by Ricky Tiben on Monday 7 October 2013
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Exercise Daily Routine

When i first started my weight loss journey, I was under the impression that you needed to work out excessive amounts of hours a day, to achieve your goals. That turned out to be a false myth. You dont have to spend countless hours at the gym. I personally achieved my goal, by just doing cardio for 30-60 minutes a day. Whether it's walking, jogging, speed walking, walking up stairs,sitting on a bike,or swimming. Staying active, and doing things at your own pace, will dramtically improve your overall achievements. Again i'm no trainer, however i've seen my body transform just by doing simple things, with no out of pocket costs. Good eating habits,  along with herbalife shakes, and  a good exercise routine, equates to a better life, and better appearence. I know all too well the lack of motivation we all have when it comes to exercise. Whether it's that we dont want to do it alone, we make excuses not to do it, or we just dont want to do it.  We have to find the will inside of us, to push for what we want to accomplish. You will not lose weight, sitting on the couch, playing video games, or feeling sorry for yourself. It doesnt matter if your  over weight, or skinny, or just trying to maintain your weight. WE HAVE TO STAY MOTIVATED. My key to my success: I go to bed one hour earlier then usual, which in turns allows me to rest my body, so i wake up refreshed.  Wake up, stretch your limbs, and drink a glass of water. (Also drink a glass of water prior to sleeping, it helps with digestion and overall good health)

I can only recommend what has worked for me, you may find other exercise methods that work for you. I will warn you, do not lift weights! I dont care what any fitness professional tells you. You can lift weights after you achieve your bottomline number your trying to reach. You can do push ups and sit ups if you want. Im close to my  weight goal, and once i reach it, i will then start the weight training. Once you reach your level, continue using your Herbalife, it's the key to healthy living.  I have also tried fitness boot camps. They will give you great results as well. Find your own comfort level, and follow it. Also drink LOTS of water....

Posted by Ricky Tiben on Monday 7 October 2013
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