Try the Herbalife Shake Today!

Try the Herbalife Shake

Today, supermarket shelves are packed with foods that call to dieters with the words "FAT FREE." But as conscientious weight watchers load their shopping carts with fat-free foods week after week, many discover this alarming fact: Their weight is going up!


Since the fat-free craze began in recent years, statistics show we've actually grown fatter rather than thinner. Although we've been taught to think of fat as the culprit in the weight-loss battle, it isn't the only one. That's because a food that's fat free isn't necessarily calorie free. Many fat-free foods are actually very high in sugar and carbohydrate calories. And these calories, when eaten in excess, convert into the one thing we've been taught to avoid: fat.

Lose the fat from your body, not your diet. Ironically, to burn fat and lose weight, you need a certain amount of "good fat." That's why Herbalife Weight-Management Programs stresses the importance of a well-balanced diet that includes enough good fats-like those found in fish and olive oil-along with Herbalife's highly nutritious meal replacement shakes and snacks.

By avoiding the fat-free craze and giving your body the complete nourishment it needs with Herbalife's Cellular Nutrition supplements and weight-management products, you'll steadily lose weight and feel healthier as you do it.

Want to learn more?
Nazir A Dar
Contact your local independent Herbalife distributor for more information.


Nazir A Dar | Baramulla, Srinagar , J&K 193301
Phone: 09797014898

Posted by Nazir Dar on Wednesday 30 May 2012
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Dr. Andrew Myers: Nutritional Protection for Skin Health

      My goal is to help you improve your nutritional well being through the use of 100% natural Herbalife nutrition products. We carry Herbalife products for Weight Loss, Health, Nutrition and Beauty. Please browse through our full online catalog to view our complete product line.
       If I can help in any way, please feel free to contact me. I will be happy to help you decide which products are right to achieve your goals.- Nazir A Dar

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Health is Wealth: Health Alert

by Nobel Laureate in Medicine Dr. Louis Ignarro andNaturopathic Physician Dr. Andrew Myers

Dr. Andrew Myers: Nutritional Protection for Skin Health
According to the American Cancer Society, skin cancer is the most common of all cancer types. There are more than 1 million skin cancers found each year in the United States. That’s more than prostate, breast, lung, colon, uterine, ovarian and pancreatic cancer combined. And the number of skin cancers has been steadily rising for the past 30 years.

Skin cancer screening is becoming a very important preventive measure to consider for anyone who is concerned about a worrisome skin lesion.  Early detection of melanoma or other types of skin cancer can save your life.  Simple screenings using the DermaScan™ is a simple device that uses ultraviolet (UV) light to show the sun damage that is invisible to the naked eye. By looking into the DermaScan™, you can see the sun damage that has already happened to your face in as little as five minutes.

The good news is there is a lot you can do to protect yourself and your family from skin cancer. Most skin cancers are caused by too much exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays.
Solar radiation is one of the most damaging elements for your skin; causing sunburn, premature skin aging and skin cancer.  Using sunscreens, staying in the shade and covering exposed skin are still among the best methods for protecting your skin.  In addition to covering up, research now indicates that several nutrients and antioxidants can aid in protecting and healing damaged skin and may contribute to lowering the risk of developing skin cancer.

When sunlight burns exposed skin the result is a cascade of free radicals causing damage to skin tissues, reducing elasticity and contributing to the formation of "age spots," wrinkles and increasing the risk of developing skin cancer. In clinical trials, a number of antioxidants, including carotenoids and vitamins E and C, have been found to be capable of scavenging free radicals generated during the photo-stress caused by sunlight.

Vitamin C and E
Researchers have found that subjects supplemented with the antioxidant nutrients Vitamins C and E had levels of these vitamins which were elevated in skin tissue samples.  Additionally, when researchers exposed the volunteers to UV radiation to induce sunburn, the combination of C and E together protected the skin and suppressed the sunburn reaction.

A number of studies have demonstrated the protective properties of oral carotenoids showing that sunburn was suppressed significantly with a combination of carotenoids and vitamin E. Researchers concluded that the antioxidants provided protection against erythema, or skin redness, and were effective in diminishing sensitivity to ultraviolet light.

Green Tea
Green tea contains natural antioxidant substances known as polyphenol epicatechins. Researchers have shown that green tea polyphenols – taken orally or applied topically – exert protective effects that inhibit ultraviolet radiation-induced skin tumors. Studies have also shown that green tea extract possesses anti-inflammatory activity, protecting against ultraviolet (UV) light-induced skin inflammation.

Antioxidants like green tea, Vitamin C and carotenoids are just a few of the nutrients that have been shown to shield the skin from UV radiation and suppress sunburn. Continued intake of antioxidants and carotenoids, in conjunction with sunscreen and protective clothing, may pay off in the long run with smoother unblemished skin and reduced risk of developing skin cancer.

Visit to learn more about nutrition to benefit your health.

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Posted by Nazir Dar on Wednesday 23 May 2012
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Become Herbalife Independent Distributor and work from your Home or Office

Business Opportunity

To those seriosly looking for a business opportunity we offer part time and fultime endeavours from the comfort of your home or office or even traveling. Through the promotion of high-quality nutrition supplements you can earn an additional income by either part-time or full-time undertakings. Please feel free to contact me to learn more about our activities in 81 countries around the world.

The Marketing Plan

The Herbalife Marketing Plan provides many opportunities to earn income and other promotional rewards. Each Herbalife product has a Volume Point value assigned to it. As you order products, you accumulate Volume Points associated to those products. These Volume Points are used for purposes of qualifications and benefits. Volume is accumulated monthlyand is credited to you in various ways depending on different factors.

Ways to Earn Income

As a Distributor, you immediately begin receiving 25% discount on products. This means on a Rs. 100 order, you receive a Rs. 25 retail profit after the order is sold to a customer.

Once your volume increases by sales or purchases, you become a Senior Consultant, entitled to buy products on a Distributor Discount Scale of either 35% or 42% retail profit.

For a 35% retail profit you need 500 to 1999 Volume Points in 1 month.

For a 42% retail profit you need 2,000 or more Volume Points in 1 month. You will also be eligible for 7% to 17% wholesale profit as a Senior Consultant.

Anytime your volume increases to 1,000 Volume Points in any 1 month, you reach Success Builder. You are then entitled to 42% retail profit during that qualification month only.

The next level is Qualified Producer and you reach it when your volume increases to 2,500 Personally Purchased Volume Points, during any 1-3 month period. You receive 42% retail profit and up to 17% wholesale profit on purchases made by your downline, beginning the month after you qualify. You retain your 42% discount as long as you requalify each year. 

The highest level of the Distributor Discount Scale is Supervisor, which earns 50% discount and retail profit. In order to reach Supervisor level, you need to achieve 4,000 Volume Points in 1 month, or 2,500 Volume Points in each of 2 consecutive months, or accumulate 5,000 Personally Purchased Volume Points within 12 months, with a minimum of 3 months required.

Becoming a Supervisor means you are entitled to earn in even more ways. A Fully Qualified Supervisor can earn up to 50% retail profit and up to 25% wholesale profit.

As a Supervisor, you are also eligible for Monthly Volume Rebates. This means you can earn up to 5% on the Personal Volume of all your Supervisors, three active levels downline.

● Retail profit is the difference between the purchase price paid by a Distributor and the retail price paid by the customer.

● Wholesale Profit is the difference between what you pay for products and what Distributors in your personal organization pay for products.

● Annual Mark Hughes Bonus is another way to earn income. The 1% Bonus is a percentage of worldwide company sales awarded to President's Team level Distributors in recognition of outstanding performance.

● Vacations are rewarded to Top Achievers for consistent performance and efforts building their business.

The Power of Duplication

As your customers express interest in the Herbalife Business Opportunity, you can encourage them by teaching them what you do. We call that duplication.

Here’s an example of what you can achieve if you consistently sell a minimum of 2,500 Volume Points and qualify two Supervisors by teaching them to do what you. If they, in turn, each sell a minimum of 2,500 Volume points and qualify and maintain two Supervisors, and repeat the pattern, you can earn a total of 35,000 Volume Points (14 Distributors X 2500 VP = 35,000 VP). You then receive 5% Volume Rebates on your first three levels or Rs. 73,500 approx.

A strong downline, well-supported and well-maintained can move you into higher and higher levels of achievement.

Strive to duplicate the success of those who have worked the business before you. 

Posted by Nazir Dar on Saturday 19 May 2012
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The Power of Protein in Your Diet

Thank goodness for protein

We need protein in our diet  to stay strong and healthy. If we don't eat enough our bodies will steal it from our muscles and organs. In fact, protein is essential for the development of our muscles, which lead to an increase in the burning of calories. Our muscles could be described as fat furnaces as they keep our metabolism running high.

And protein is very good at curbing appetite and balancing blood sugar in contrast to many "fast release" carbohydrate based foods and snacks.

Too many fast releasing carbohydrates lead to weight gain

Traditionally we were taught that carbohydrates should provide our body with its primary supply of energy. However, many people have confused fast releasing carbohydrates (pasta, cakes) and slow releasing carbohydrates (whole grains, vegetables) eating too many of the former-the tempting, convenient, tasty variety! Most of us lead sedentary lives, so any excess energy from carbohydrate-rich food) is stored as fat.

Optimize your protein intake in your diet and lose weight! 
Remember to:

1. Eat regular meals spaced throughout the day 
2. Choose slow releasing carbohydrates foods
3. Increase your intake of live foods
(fresh fruit and vegetables) 
4. Identify your body's protein needsand consume
the amount you need

How much protein do I need? 
On average:

  • Women typically need 80 -100g of protein in their diet per day (calculation based on height and weight)
  • Men need 100-150g protein  per day
  • Receive a personalised programme

Posted by Nazir Dar on Tuesday 1 May 2012
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How To Join Herbalife Online Anywhere

Business Opportunity

Wellness is the central trend for the coming decades
business opportunity

1.Why Start a Business Part Time?

Why start a home business? Jim Rohn said that "Profits are better than wages. Wages will make you a living, profits can make you a fortune."
And one definition of a job = just over broke. So why don't more people start a business? Many feel that they have to choose between a job or a business. Herbalife allows you to start a business part time with the option to go full time later.

"once you start investing even part time effort into your own business, you will find how much more exciting it is to get up in the morning"

2. Why Direct?

Look at the success of companies such as Dell, who eliminate the layers of margins that importers, wholesalers, distributors, retailers usually  take.  Years ago the traditional method model of distribution was appropriate, where products took days to move around the country. Now with next day couriers, credit cards and the internet,  distribution methods have moved on. Direct marketing has grown steadily for the past 20 years. (In fact it's nearly doubled in the past 10). The home-based business boom (today, 1 out of 8 businesses operate out of someone's home). That means no more hectic commute and no more boss. You get to work with whom you want, where you want and when you want. No more missing your family and fearing redundancy. That spells F-R-E-E-D-O-M.

3. Why the Wellness Market?

As the video explains the opportunities to work in Wellness are as a practioner, in manufacturing in retail and in distribution. Fortunes will be made in educating consumers about new products and services. With the Wellness Industry now projected to grow very rapidly Herbalife weight management and nutrition products offer one of the outstanding health industry opportunities of the decade.
The Obesity Epidemic?
In many countries now, close to half of the population have a challenge with their weight,  many people are "run down",  and everyone has a need for well-being. Take one country, the UK, for example, 1  in 4 people are now obese, according to the National Audit Office. And the UK is about 10 years behind the USA where there is diabetes epidemic. What about your country? Wellness is the central trend for the coming decades. 

ThWellness Industry is the fastest growing industry in the world with people seeking products and information to stay well.

Wellness means having the energy to do the things you want. It means waking up and feeling great, without having to pop medications to start the day. It means playing with your kids and not ending up out of breath and it means maintaining a healthy weight. It means children having the concentration to study at school. Wellness or well being means taking personal responsibility for health. It’s to do with feeling better, slowing the affects off ageing and reducing the risk of disease.

Yet as the junk food and processed food mega companies marketing machines roll on, people are getting more and more out of shape. Trends up to now:

  • 60‘s   Fast Food

  • 70‘s   Real Estate

  • 80‘s   Home Electronics

  • 90‘s    PCs, Mobiles &  The Internet

  • Now    Wellness

Increasing need for individuals to take responsibility for own health i.e. preventative health as government health spending escalates.

Paul Zane Pilzer, world-renowned economist, senior economic advisor to two White House administrations,  predicted the beginning and massive expansion of the Internet before it happened. He predicts this industry alone will grow from $260 million to £1 TRILLION in the next 8 years.

4. Why is Herbalife Successful?
Huge demand for Herbalife products with customers wanting to lose weight, gain weight, have more energy and perform better at sports. The products work- over a million testimonials on file. A "consumable" product as customers orders monthly programmes. Unique range of products only available from Herbalife Distributors. Strong retail sales so distributors can make a good income from retailing. Retail sales also sustains ongoing royalty payments. Business model which allows you to build your business beyond your own time. A generous marketing plan. Ongoing commitment from Herbalife to promote the brand. A new sports sponsorship is being announced every month. Innovative promotional methods, so that this is much more than a "friends and family business".Branding Campaign(you may need this tour code 8905)

Herbalife is the worlds leading weight management company, proven over 25 years in 65 countries. Sales have just reached $3 billion.  Not just another marketing company entering the market with "me-too products"!

Proven Success
Around the world, thousands of people just like you have changed their lives with the Herbalife business opportunity—and you can, too! From setting your own hours to achieving financial independence, the lifestyle of your dreams is finally within reach. Herbalife's record of success spans over 25 years.  
Herbalife are creating a better future for people around the world and have only scratched the surface of their potential.

Major awareness campaign is underway to make Herbalife the next superbrand!

NEW Herbalife launch in Malaysia  

NEW Generation H- Find an alternative to the 40 year job plan? Already experienced the frustrations of working for a boss after only a few years. Faced with limited earning potential? Then make a start now and save yourself the aggravation! 

A tradition of excellence.

Herbalife has a shining track record of success and skyrocketing growth spanning over two decades. Its weight management and nutritional products are widely regarded as the best on the market. The people who market these products are committed to spreading the word about good health, not just to making money. And they're supported by the best marketing plan in the industry. The list goes on.

When you become an Herbalife distributor, you're joining a winning team that has been changing the world for a long time and will continue doing so for an even longer time to come. Herbalife is here to stay!

Here are just a few reasons why you should make Herbalife your opportunity for success:

Top Management Team

The top team managing the Herbalife business is second to none.  The CEO was headhunted from his previous position as President of Disney International. This is a reflection of the growth in the Wellness market and Herbalifes pre-eminent position within it.

The technical team developing our leading natural products includes top people such as Dr Lou Ignarro, a Nobel prize winner in medicine.

Herbalife makes the finest  products in the world.

Pure and simple. Millions of satisfied customers have been experiencing safe, healthy and nutritionally oriented weight loss thanks to Herbalife's uniquely effective products and programs. The products work and they work well. Our herbal-based supplements are formulated from only the very best botanicals and other natural ingredients.  Herbalife is the best because it helps people feel and look their best. Customer Testimonials

Herbalife Training

You have access to one of the largest private TV networks in the world which broadcast via the internet twice a week. Plus training days and DVDs/videos and a library of videos via the internet.

Internet Marketing

Is this of interest? Herbal Vitality will teach you how to promote via the Internet. A range of different web sites are available. For example, a web site in 5 currencies for £3 month. Note,  you can trade in 60 countries as you have access to warehouses in 60 counties. Orders are sent to customers from the local warehouse.

Herbalife offers the best marketing plan.

This business opportunity is the most rewarding and comprehensive in the  industry. If you're truly committed to working the business, the business will work for you. Herbalife's compensation plan is the most generous you will ever find. Whether you want to work part time or full time, earn some extra cash or become rich, Herbalife makes it all possible. Contact for us for the details.

Herbalife has a proven track record.

Herbalife has been changing lives for the better for over 25 years. If Herbalife didn't possess that kind of credibility and integrity, it wouldn't have a two-decade track record of success. People come to Herbalife because they know the company will always be there for them.

Our team is committed to success - their own and yours.

Herbalife distributors are passionately committed to the products that changed their own lives and are dedicated to spreading the word. And as an Herbalife distributor achieves financial success, he or she always wants to help others succeed as well. Your support system is the entire family of Herbalife distributors.  Watch Testimonials

Take charge of your life

As a Herbalife distributor you run your own home business helping people improve their life. The first steps are always the most difficult and we will help and guide you through them step by step.

Take the first step to the life you deserve!
Whether you’re planning the future of your dreams or just need cash for today, start on the path to life changing success as an Herbalife Distributor. Regardless of experience or education, you’ll receive personalised support every step of the way as you build your business

There are no limits on how much money you can make in Herbalife, from an extra £500 per month to tens of thousands per month - the only limit are your dreams.

5. Why this Business Model?

Do you know someone that has set up their own business? And 5 years later they are still the only person working in it? Many businesses face growing pains including the problems with hiring staff. Not with this business, which has an inbuilt growth model.

So if you  want to earn more than £1500 a month part time that, or perhaps you want to work less, you can also build your own team, by sponsoring other individuals into the company. There are a lot of people looking for a flexible way to earn a second income these days. Companies such as Texas, Gillette, Colgate, Toyota, Xerox, Virgin and  AOL . are now using this business model.
6. How does it work?

Wellness is such a large, growth market and there are many ways in which the business can be run. There is the opportunity to work from home part time or full time using your computer and the Internet. Your details are added to our Nationwide Directory of Distributors and we teach you how to promote your business locally and if of interest via the web. BIG Marketing teach 15 methods of promotion and provide the support systems to go with them. Alongside the traditional methods of promotion such as flyers, posters into companies and advertising we teach the total plan,  wellness evaluations, body fat testing pods, sports affiliates, corporate wellness programmes, Arriba lifestyle magazine and internet marketing, for example. You choose the ways that suit your circumstances e.g. do you have small children? Would like to be based from home? Or would you like to develop your business outside of the home.

And we have just launched Wellness Clubs and the Weight Loss Challenge with a 105 clubs set up so far across the UK and a handful in Ireland too.

You can work at your own speed and with flexible hours but you get the support and backup associated with a $2 billion company.

7.Next steps?

Write down these Herbalife Distributor application numbers (for future use)

They are needed on the Herbalife distributorship application!

  • W1763044 it is your sponsors Herbalife distributor validation number. and second is, these 3 letters:

  •   DAR are the first 3 letters of your sponsors last name.

Step 2: Click on this link below to fill in the online application. When done return to this page to begin your free training.

Herbalife Distributor Application

For Indian Residents follow

Steps to become Herbalife Distributor.

Step1. Buy the International Business Pack.

Step2. Once you have received the business pack then please fill out the distributor application form, sign it, scan it and email to YOUR COACH . You need to also send scan copy of your residence proof. It can be Voter ID, Passport or Driving Licence.
[email protected]

Posted by Nazir Dar on Friday 27 April 2012
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