Drink More Water: 7 Ways to Boost Your Intake

Need to drink more water?  Try these tips for boosting your water intake every day.

“I should drink more water.” It’s something I hear from clients all the time. They know their water intake isn’t up to par – but they just can’t figure out how to drink more water than they usually do. When I ask people why they don’t drink enough water, I usually hear one of two things – many tell me that they just haven’t established a regular water-drinking habit, and lots of people I talk to say that they just “don’t like water.” I probably don’t need to remind you why drinking enough water is so important… but I’m going to anyway, because it might help “drive you to drink.”

 RELATED ARTICLE: Don’t like plain water? Here’s how to get your 8 glasses a day


Why it’s Important to Drink Enough Water

Your body is more water than it is anything else – about 60-70% of your body weight is water.   And the fluid in your body is involved in an amazing number of important tasks.  You need to drink enough water so that your body can properly digest your food and deliver nutrients to your cells – and to get rid of substances that your body doesn’t want. Without enough water, controlling body temperature would be a challenge, your joints would lack lubrication and your muscles would tire more quickly, too.  The bottom line is this:  every cell, tissue and organ needs water in order to function properly.

7 Tips to Help you Drink More Water

If you find it hard to drink enough water every day, here are some tips that might help you.

  • See it. It can be really helpful if you can actually see the amount of water you plan to drink and to track your progress over the course of the day.  Put the amount of water you plan to have in a pitcher on your kitchen counter or keep it at your desk.  It will serve as a reminder to drink more, and you’ll be motivated to sip on it as the day goes by – and meet your goal of finishing it.
  • Cool it. Cold water often seems more refreshing than room-temperature water.  Try stashing a bottle of water in your freezer, and carry it with you during the day.  It will stay cold for several hours, and you might be encouraged to drink more.
  • Wake up to it. “Morning mouth” is a reminder that most of us are naturally a bit dehydrated in the morning. So, keep a glass of water by your bed, and drink it first thing – before your feet even hit the floor.
  • Sip it. Try sipping through a straw.  Maybe it’s just more fun, maybe it’s that you take larger sips of water –  I don’t know why this works, but lots of people tell me that they drink more water when they use a straw.
  • Flavor it. Make your own spa water.  Add a slice of fresh lemon or lime, some cucumber, a few berries, some fresh mint or a slice of fresh ginger to your water.  It makes it feel special and adds a hint of refreshing flavor.
  • Eat it. Treat water like an appetizer and start your meals with a glass of water.  Not only will you work more water into your day, it might curb your appetite a bit, too.
  • Track it. Just like keeping track of your calorie intake, keeping track of how much water you drink can help a lot, too. That’s why the pitcher-on-the-desk trick works so well – at any moment, you can see how much water you’ve had and how much you need to drink before the day is over. If you want to go high tech, there are apps for your phone that can send you drinking reminders, keep track of your progress and even give you a virtual pat on the back when you’ve met your goal.

Susan Bowerman is Director of Nutrition Training at Herbalife. Susan is a Registered Dietitian and a Board-Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics

Posted by Brian & Linda Robson-Burrell on Tuesday 15 November 2016
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Swap it for shake

Formula 1

Delicious healthy meal that provides an excellent balance of high quality protein from milk and soy, essential micronutrients and added botanicals and herbs.

Key benefits

The number 1 meal-replacement shake in the world.* F1 shakes have helped people all across the globe reach their weight-loss goals. Reach yours today!

Underpinned by science: Clinical studies show that daily use of meal replacement shakes as part of a calorie restricted diet is proven effective for managing weight, along with moderate exercise.

Calorie-controlled: Approximately 220 kcal per serving

Rich in protein from dairy and soy (18g per serving), Formula 1 shakes are a great option if you are looking to build lean muscle mass along with exercise

Quick to whip up, a F1 shake is a convenient healthy alternative to a high-calorie breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Soy protein: a complete protein providing all essential amino acids.

Provides essential vitamins and minerals.

Available in nine delicious flavours and also available: F1 Free From – free from lactose, soy and gluten when made according to instructions and suitable for vegetarians.

How can it help you?

When trying to lose or manage your weight, it’s important to maintain a nutritionally balanced diet. A healthy meal like Formula 1 helps you to control your calorie intake whilst also providing essential vitamins and minerals, with carbohydrate and protein.


Enjoy Formula 1 shake every day as a healthy meal option. Mix two tablespoons of powder (26 grams) with 250ml of semi-skimmed milk (low fat).

When used for weight control: Replace two meals per day with this delicious shake and eat one nutritionally balanced meal.

For healthy nutrition: Replace one meal per day with Formula 1 shake and eat two nutritionally balanced meals.

Posted by Brian & Linda Robson-Burrell on Friday 22 July 2016
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How yoga and meditation can help you relax

 Life is stressful and stress can cause both weight gain and anxiety. If you need some tips on how to calm your mind and temporarily escape the chaos that life often brings, then my meditation tips and gentle yoga routine will be perfect for you!

Many people consume foods that are high in sugars, fats and salt to help them feel good during times of stress. Junk foods stimulate the pleasure center in the brain especially during times of stress. I can personally confess to reaching for the cookie jar during several chaotic moments when my triplets were babies. Imagine three babies learning to walk at the same time! In fact, just thinking about it makes my blood pressure rise and that was six years ago. I discovered that exercise made me feel good and provided me with a longer lasting calming effect compared with the temporary satisfaction I received from my cookie escape.

The harsh reality is that the feel-good factor we get from consuming these sugary and fatty treats is short lived. In addition, consuming these foods can lead to poor overall health and weight gain. Finding other ways to manage stress is so important. During times of stress, I turn to yoga and meditation to help me relax.

It’s not always practical to jump into an exercise routine in moments of stress. Exercising your mind is just as important as exercising your body. Today, I want to share with you a great way to regain your focus, calm your mind and at the same time avoid the pit falls that come with of reaching for the cookie jar in times of stress. Yoga and meditation are not new concepts, rather, they are ancient practices that are associated with some wonderful health benefits.

Gentle Yoga Stretch

Sometimes after a long day, I like to unwind with a gentle yoga routine. This is also a great way to start the day—it clears your mind and sets a positive tone for the day with a few simple yoga moves. Take a look at my gentle yoga routine in the video below, and then follow it with some meditation to help calm your mind.


In my opinion meditation is simply a term for spending some time disconnecting from the chaos of life and attempting to quiet your mind and be in a calm state of awareness. A recent conversation that I had with a friend made me realize that meditation is often misunderstood. These common misunderstandings get in the way and stop people from giving it a try. He told me, “I’ve tried meditation in the past because my job is so highly stressful with incredibly long hours, but I always quit meditating because I thought I was a terrible meditator. I could never totally clear my mind so I would get frustrated and quit. But now I understand that having thoughts is simply a part of the process.” What he said is exactly how I used to feel about trying to meditate!

As with all things relating to heath and fitness there are many schools of thought and many methods. Today I will share with you my practical tips for calming your mind and reflecting on your day with simple and practical meditation advice.

Simple meditation do’s and don’t’s

Don’t think that you need a completely silent and secluded place to practice. In the real world, and especially in a home with kids or at the office, finding complete silence is almost an impossible task.

Do try to remove yourself from all major distractions such as phones, computer screens and incredibly loud spaces. Simply turn your office chair away from the screen. If you’re at home, close your bedroom door.

Don’t convince yourself that you need any special equipment such as a yoga mat, bells, or blankets because I want you to understand you can meditate anywhere. The less stuff you rely on, the easier it will be to take a quick moment to practice.

Do try to sit or lie down in a comfortable place where you feel relaxed. You can keep your eyes open or close them, just do what feels right for you.

Don’t force yourself to start breathing with a specific style like belly breathing or nose breathing it can initially put you off or even make you feel light-headed. You can work on breathing technique once you start to feel comfortable with meditation.

Do focus on your breath. Feel the air coming in and leaving your body. Simply be aware of your breath and how it feels.

Don’t start thinking negative thoughts when your grocery list or to-do list starts to creep into your mind.

Do redirect your focus away from your grocery list and back to your breathing.

Don’t have a long list of affirmations or goals that you think about or chant out loud.

Do have one or two key words that help you to relax or guide you towards positive sense of wellbeing.

Enjoy your escape from a chaotic lifestyle. Aim to find 20 minutes of quiet time for yourself once or twice a day. Remember that meditation is considered a practice, just like yoga. So yes, that means it may actually take practice to feel the full calming effects.

If sitting still is not for you, you can meditate in motion while walking or running.

My Sunday run is what I call my ‘mommy escape.’ I relax and clear my mind by focusing on my breathing and if I have trouble relaxing I simply rhythmically count my strides 1-2 , 1-2. I then focus on my breathing and do some yoga stretches. Before I know it, one beautiful hour of calm has passed me by and I am ready to go full steam ahead with keeping my kids safe while they play. They may have mastered the art of walking, but now it’s all about climbing trees and riding skateboards! It helps me to take my 20 minutes every day for my sanity.

I hope my relaxation techniques help you find a balance between staying fit and calm. What do you like to do to relax? Share with me in the comments section.

Written by Samantha Clayton, AFAA, ISSA. Samantha is Director of Fitness Education at Herbalife.

Posted by Brian & Linda Robson-Burrell on Friday 13 May 2016
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New Spring 2016 Product Brochure, OUT NOW!

New Spring 2016 Product Brochure, OUT NOW!


Click here to view

Posted by Brian & Linda Robson-Burrell on Thursday 14 April 2016
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