Don't Let Weekends Undo Your Diet

Weekends are tough times for dieters-it's a time to reward ourselves after the busy work week, so we take time to relax, maybe have a meal or two out, or get together with friedns-which often involves eating and drinking.  But if you aren't reasonably careful, you could easily undo a week of good behavior between friday night and Monday morning.
For most people, checking you weight at the beginning of the week isn't all that productivesince the damage has already been done.  It's likely you'll just be ticked off with yourself for you weekend binges, and your weight will be pretty much where it was the week before.  So I suggested to my client that he weigh himself on friday morning, instead.  When his wek has gone well, a Friday weigh-in would tell him so and he'd be more likely to stay on track during the weekend.Most people use part of their weekend time to get ready for the week ahead, so a good startegy is to spend a little time in the kitchen preparing some healthy meals for the work week ahead.  Plan your week's meals before you grocery shop, make a list and do't go to the store on an empty stomach.

Some people cut back to much during the week, figuring they have a lot of extra calories saved up for a weekend splurge.  But a lare plate of nachos and a couple of Margaritas, for example, could cost you well over 1000 calories-a pretty big setback even if you've been careful all week.  And that's just one meal-keep eating like that all weekend, and you're likely to get nowhere fast.

When you've been sticking close to your diet plan all week, it's natural to want to reward yourself but rewarding yourself with food is probably not the best approach.  Of course you sholud go out and enjoy yourself - but let the relaxing time you spend with friends and family be reward in itself.  You'll be more successful at managing your weight if you stick fairly close to your healthy eating patterns, food choices and portions-no matter what day of the week it is.

Writtne by Susan Bowerman MS,RD,CSSD.
Susan is a paid consultant for Herbalife.
Posted by PRASANA MURALI on Tuesday 15 January 2013
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