Robin Wain
Robin Wain
Herbalife Independent Member
4 Clara St
Kalimna Victoria 3909

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I was looking for a little job to give me some "me money" - you know, for some new clothes, massages, manicures etc...

Herbalife found me as a work from home opportunity. Me fat? No, I'm OK...Tried everything, nothing works, just be the way I am... I look OK don't I? Well, really, obviously I was in denial!

The WONDERFUL thing was I lost all that weight I didn't realise I was carrying. I look fantastic, I FEEL fantastic, and I earn that "me money" - & more - every month! All that was over 3 years ago & I'm still trim!

Come on board...try the product & you will feel, and look, Amazing! There's a 30 day 100% guarantee, so what do you have to lose? Nothing but your excess weight...and you'll gain lots of energy & self-esteem.

All lines come as a one month supply - simple, effective, guaranteed. 

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