Tropical Citrus Energy Drink
1 - 20 oz. Water Bottle
1 - Tropical Fruit LiftOff Tablet
1 - Packet H3O Orangeaid Drink Mix
1 - tsp Peach Herbal Tea Concentrate
20 oz. - Water
First, fill the bottle with water. Then, drop in your Tropical Fruit LiftOff tablet and let it fully dissolve.
Next, add the packet of H3O Orangeaid and 1 tsp of Peach Herbal Tea Concentrate. Shake vigorously. Finally, you may enjoy your delicious new drink. You can also pour it over ice and enjoy casually on a hot day.

*If you are drinking my Tropical Citrus Energy Drink before your workout, make sure to drink it about 30 minutes prior to your workout or finish it on your way to the gym. It works great to hold you through a good workout.

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