Helping you achieve your health and weight loss goals

Helping you achieve your health and weight loss goals

About Us
Before After


Weight 134 Kilograms ( 295 lbs / 21st ) BMI 42.77 !!!!!!

I used to skip breakfast all the time. I felt tired all the time and always wanted to sleep.

I ate a lot of chocolate, drank more alcohol than I do now, and I ate takeaway, and junk food regularly and rarely drank water. My skin was very bad.

Now: (work in progress)

Weight 108 Kilograms ( 237.5 lbs / 17st ) BMI 34.47

I have my Herbalife healthy breakfast every morning, and a Formula 1 shake for lunch. Dinner is now a HEALTHY, normally home made meal. During the day I also have 2 protein based snacks..... I now eat 5 times per day, instead of 2, drink plenty of water, and lose weight!

I feel full of energy and I get more done in work & physical training. I feel my mood is much better, and I'm happier in general. My skin is clearer.

If this rings true to you then get in touch to turn your life around! Being fit and healthy is the core of a happy vibrant life!