Helping you achieve your health and weight loss goals
About Us

We want to help you live a healthier life…We want it to be easy…We want it to last!

Welcome to Healthier Australia!

With two young sons and full-time jobs, we were looking for a way of finding more energy, losing weight and improving our health without the pressure of gym visits, counting points, or starving.

We needed something simple to help us change, without demanding a complete change to the way we live. We have been taking Herbalife nutritional products for nearly six months now, and can see and feel the difference!

Tamara: I had been trying to lose weight (and keep it off) with many of the big-name diet plans for a couple of years, when my family doctor told me that she had lost 10 kilos using the Herbalife products, was keeping the weight off, and felt great. I said ‘sign me up!’ Now I use the shakes for healthy meal replacement, as well as a number of the nutritional supplements, and so far I have lost 6.5kg, 8cm around my waist, and over 3% body fat!

As a busy working mum, I love losing weight without having to count points or choose foods – this system is stress-free, delicious and gives me excellent nutrition. Using the shakes as meal replacements has helped me break those bad eating habits that it’s so easy to fall back into, and the bonus is that I feel more energetic and positive than I have in years.

David: I’ve always been fairly healthy, and I didn’t see myself as someone who would need nutritional products. But after Tamara started I joined in too, and quickly felt much more energetic throughout the day. 

It’s been easy to incorporate the shakes into my “Lunches of Virtue” routine, and I’ve seen an immediate difference. Not only am I eating less, but I’m balancing that with shakes formulated by nutrition experts that give me enough protein to sustain a routine of being up before 6, and being a husband, playful dad and hard worker right through to 11pm. By drinking the shakes, walking in my daily commute, and doing a couple of yoga sessions during the week, I have lost a substantial amount of weight (10+ kg) – and I feel much better!

We have started Healthier Australia to help others on their journey to better health. Our experience has been very positive, and we urge you to make some easy changes yourself using the Herbalife products – get in touch to find out more, and start your journey to looking and feeling like a different person!


Tamara and David