
The new chapter begins

by Chris Glen

A Blog... Really??

It's my birthday this month and I'll be 33. I'm getting old. I'm fat, going grey, have no motivation and a serious CBF'd attitude to pretty much everything. I have an entertainment company that primarily runs poker and trivia events and one day I would like to play tournament poker professionally. I have 2 beautiful, happy kids and no energy to play with them. I also suffer from a severe case of sleep apnoea, basically my brain forgets to tell my lungs to breath when I'm asleep and I stop breathing for up to a minute at a time, try holding your breath for a minute and see how you feel afterwards, now imagine doing that for several hours a night. I wake up feeling like I have run a marathon.

Ever since I was a kid at school I have struggled with my weight. my early 20's I blew out to 120+. since then I've yoyo'd between 85 and back up to 120+.
Over the past 2 years I have tried everything, diet's, chemist weight loss programmes, gym, personal trainers, etc. Now I did lose a bit of weight but it quickly plateaued and became increasingly frustrating and I inevitably failed.

My problem wasn't that I didn't have motivation or will power, it was that I didn't want to live a totally boring life. I wanted to be healthy and enjoy the guilty pleasures occasionally. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?

7 weeks ago a friend of mine put me onto Herbalife, he sent me an 'Ultimate programme' and promised me it would work. I had tried everything already so I thought I would give it a go.
The first thing I noticed was a massive increase in my energy and I'd stopped yawning all day. I was sleeping so much better and felt great, so much better than I had in a long time. in my first 3 weeks I lost 3kg's and was , let's just say, only half committed to the programme.

The last 5 weeks I've really given it a go, I look younger (the wrinkles have gone around my eyes), a friend of mine I haven't seen for a few months thought I must have had Botox I was looking that fresh. my skin is also a lot clearer, I feel so much better within myself, my whole attitude towards life has improved, I have more energy and time for the kids, which is helping me to be a better dad, and I have lost a total of 10kg's. As of Monday I am officially 108kg, down from 118.2kg and well on the way to 100!

2 weeks ago I won a pretty big poker tournament at Crown Casino in Melbourne and as crazy as it sounds I put a lot of it down to being on the programme. I played some of the best poker I have ever played and I did it on auto pilot. I had the mental clarity that just kept me in the zone for 14 hours and the whole time I felt amazing.

Now I haven't been back to the gym yet and am having the occasional take away (it's even harder now that HJ's has brought out those little mini cheeseburgers, they are incredible). But I'm having my shake for breakfast and my supplements 3 times a day, I'm drinking the Aloe and having some tea at least twice a day. I don't want to be a health nut, I still want to occasionally indulge and enjoy food, I love food, I really enjoy cooking and going out to nice restaurants, that's who I am. What I am doing now is a healthy balanced lifestyle, something that I don't feel is a chore and I am enjoying.

My plan over the next few weeks is to start doing some more physical exercise, maybe go for a run, crazy talk or a really good joke? time will tell. The only thing I can guarantee for now is that I'll still be taking my Herbalife and still be feeling amazing.

Thankyou Herbalife.

Posted by Chris Glen on Wednesday 12 September 2012
More articles by Chris Glen

*Any weight loss or health testimonials presented here are applicable to the individuals depicted and are not a guarantee of your weight loss nor are they typical. Herbalife products can be a healthy part of your weight loss program, which includes diet and exercise.

An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Herbalife Independent Distributors about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges.

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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