Helping you achieve your health and weight loss goals
About Us

By using the core products (Formula 1 Healthy Meal Nutritional Shake Mix, Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex, and Cell Activator) I have been steadily taking off weight and keeping it off.  I have battled with my weight my entire life, since childhood.  I cannot count the number of diets I have been on only to put even more weight back on again.  This is the first time I don't feel deprived.  Previously when I had dieted I developed a gallstone.  This was because I was not getting enough protein in my diet.  In conjunction with the core products I add Personalized Protein Powder to my shakes each day to ensure that I am getting enough good protein in my diet.  I have never felt healthier in my life and swear by these products.  My husband, Bill, and son, Tim, also take the products and think they're terrific.  My PMS symptoms are legendary.  As I've gotten older the symptoms have gotten worse.  I started taking Tang Kuei Plus and the results have been amazing.  Other products our family has had success with are H30, Bulk & Muscle Formula Protein Drink Mix, Garden 7, Herbal Aloe Powder, Herbalife Line, Ultimate Prostate Formula, and delicious Protein Bar Deluxe.

My cholesterol has always been an issue, especially my triglycerides.  I have been taking Herbalifeline, Tri-shield, and Mega Garlic Plus along with my shakes and had extremely good news at my last physical.  My cholesterol, expecially, my triglycerides are no long a problem according to my doctor.  MY TRIGLYCERIDES ARE NOW IN THE NORMAL RANGE!

I cannot think of a better way to promote these products other than share my personal successes and those of my family.