The enjoyment of F1

How life can change. In a flash. You think you are headed in one direction and the next thing you know you are back where you started. I recently had this experience. I thought I was headed overseas for a period of time, only to turn around and find myself back in Australia. Not only that but I am now living with my elderly parents. For two weeks while I was in transit and finding somewhere to stay I was without access to my Herbalife. What did I discover? I missed it. How do I explain what being on Herbalife is like?

Herbalife is a lifestyle NOT a diet. 

How true is this statement! Once you realise the impact that a daily morning shake has on your day you miss it when you cannot have it. It nourishes your body. You feel full. Not only that the sense is one of health and well being. That what you have taken into your body is what your body needs. It has soaked it up and is saying a resounding YES back at you. Now you have the energy and the nutrition that your body needs to be effective in your day of work. You will not look for that sugar fix as you have a downward turn in your concentration level at morning tea time. 

It is so good to be now located in a place where once again I can order my supplies and look forward to my daily breakfast shake.

Join me and find out how Herbalife shakes for breakfast can impact on your day.

Posted by Shelagh Lowe on Wednesday 25 March 2015
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"I will try" has performed wonders

"I will try" has performed wonders

"I can't do it" never yet accomplished anything; "I will try" has performed wonders. -George P. Burnham

How many people do you know who before they try to do anything say 'I cannot do it' and so they give up before they begin. Or their mindset is so negative they sabotage their own efforts to succeed. Does this apply to you?

The last month has seen me changing my focus from 'I can't do it" to 'I will try". And just that slight shift in focus has changed my whole outlook on a number of things. Take weight loss for example. Feeling healthy and well. I have had 3 years of miserable chronic illness where I struggled each day just to get out of bed and work for 4.5 hours at a job I love. I have tried several times to look for work that will supplement my part time job, starting several things but then the 'I can't do it' kicks in and I fail. 

So what is different. After two years of looking for opportunity that would not stress my physical condition, which at the time seemed chronic and doomed to make my working life shorter....remember this is only one month ago.....I sent off for the information package relating to income from home through United Online Business. 

'I will try' has now become 'I can do this'.

What has happened in the last month. One I have to test the product and WOW - a loss of 7kg in 5 weeks and 60cm of body fat gone. But the most amazing by far is my energy level and enthusiasm for life has gone through the roof. I have met a whole new group of people who are enthusiastic and passionate about what they do. Many of them are stay at home mothers. Many started to supplement income as I have done but have gone on to make a full time income, often working in partnership with their spouse/partners. The more I learn, the more I want to say 'I can do this". There is work to do. It does not just fall into your lap. It is a genuine work from home business, but you are mentored every step of the way. There is always someone to ask the 'how to' question of.  

To find out more about this business do as I did and go to my website to record an interest. Or maybe you just want to gain control over your weight and feel healthy. Check out this site if you want to try product. What have you got to lose (ha ha) with a 30 day money back guarantee from Herbalife.

Posted by Shelagh Lowe on Thursday 31 October 2013
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