Lyndy van Rensburg
Lyndy van Rensburg
Herbalife Independent Member
PO Box 21785, Bluff
Durban KwaZulu-Natal 4036
Email: Phone: +27720999570
My Road to Health

At the end of September I went up to Jo'burg for a special "50's" class reunion, and stayed with Gillian, an old school friend of mine.
She has been with Herbalife for many years and needless to say, while staying with her, I learned a lot about Herbalife that I did not know before and decided to give it a second chance.

Since then I have had a shake for breakfast every morning, together with the tea and Aloe water. I really make my shake tasty by adding fruit, rolled oats, yoghurt or fruit juice ect., and now can feel that my clothes are fitting loser, yet the scale still says the same :) I lost a centimeter all round.
But something I was not expecting, is that the adrenal fatigue that I was battling with for the last year or so, has vanished. Some nights I have to force myself to go to bed as I am not tired and lethargic at all. Even my Dr noticed that I was looking better.
Posted by Lyndy van Rensburg on Sunday 20 October 2013
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