Welcome to Herbalife

I have been in the fitness industry for over 10 years, I am always looking to assist people with achieving their personal goals in life. living a healthy life style is important to everyone, no matter your size and age. Before I became a fitness instructor I was a professional dancer. I have a high passion for keeping fit and healthy and enjoy helping everyone find their suited exercise plan to get them back to good health and feel good about themselves.

Exercise alone doesn't keep the weight off, maintaining a healthy balanced diet is key. we all like to enjoy treats, but should keep to moderation. you will enjoy those moments better when kept as a treat. As a mum I always found making sure I ate the right foods at the right time was hard when I was always making sure my boys had what they needed was where they needed to be, finding time for myself was hard. so planning meals that I could sit down and enjoy wasn't always possible. Herbalife gave me so much than helping to lose weight and keep it off, herbalife has given me a whole new out look on what to eat.

With a shake for breakfast and lunch, I found that not only did I have time for the shakes. I used to miss breakfast due to the rush in the morning, getting the boys ready for school and of to work myself, having a healthy shake gave me what I needed that I was missing out on. I spend a fortune on lunches as I never had the time to prepare, with no preparation with the shakes I was getting a healthy lunch and saved me money in the long run. I had more energy and was more enthusiastic to make a good protein based evening meal that the family could enjoy. Now I can push myself harder at the gym having more energy and feeling better about myself. We all have busy lives and finding the time to plan each day can be difficult.

are you 100% happy with your body when you look in the mirror? most of us are always looking for ways to improve, lose weight, tone up or get ripped. At herbalife there is a program for everyone.

for all my customers you get:

  •  a personal fitness plan to suit your life style,
  •  on hand support at all times
  • motivation
  • your protein factor
  • ways to get protein in to you.
  • healthy meal recipes
  • the opportunity to talk/share experiences with other customers.

take a look at the different products, see for yourself how much you will gain by using them. feel free to contact me for more information. I look forward to beginning a journey with you on a whole new you