Helping you achieve your health and weight loss goals
About Us
Before After

I was involved in a large car accident which I sustained 70% 3rd degree burns from going back into the fire 3 seperate times. I was on life support for 1 1/2 - 2 months I had to learn how to do everything again walk, wash myself... feed myself everything. I went into the Hospital weighing in at 225 and in excellent shape fresh out of Active duty and transitioned over to the Reserves I came out of the Hospital after putting on some weight at 162. They told me I need to eat eat eat! Thing is they never told me when to stop... I woke up one morningjust so happens to be when I was to recieve my Soldiers medal (for saving my ex-wife and 2 kids from the burning car) I looked at my Fiance and asked her why she didn't tell me I had gotten fat, she told me it wasn't her job but she was to love me no matter what. That was the day the light switch turned on I had to get back into shape and reclaim my life I just didn't know how I would do it yet. Fast forward a few month and my fiancee came across Herbalife and our coach MaryAnn, her and her upline Gary and Sandy helped us to get started. I started and was very skeptical but decided to give it a fair shot I would be faithful to it and see what came of it. So now here I am a year later 81lbs lighter 10 pant sizes smaller and I have the energy to get out and do stuff with my kids. I play basketball, bowl, golf, I go for a walk 3 times a week for a half hour I am far better off for coming into contact with Herbalife. I hope to be able to help others get the feeling that Herbalife has given to me.