Helping you achieve your health and weight loss goals
About Us
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On the 1st of August, 2012. I started my own weightloss journey, starting at 102.7 kilos - through my interpretation of 'healthy eating', calorie counting, exercise, different variety of chemist based shakes, I got down to 79.9 Kilos. During this I was constantly tired, sick beyond belief - a simple cough would take months to dissipate and stressed!

Starting on my cellular nutritional program on the 21st of September 2013, in the first 3 days my energy went through the roof! I lost the last 4.9 Kilos, I was able to keep my weight off to this very day, no more nana naps in the afternoon, and the very best part was I've only been sick once, it was the flu and it only lasted for ONE DAY.