3-Day Trial Pack


Welcome to my Herbalife page! If your here because your still 'on the fence' about Herbalife and it's benefits, then I'm so glad you came!  I've been using Herbalife since January and I've lost over 30 lbs.!  I've kept it off and I have more energy than ever! Way easier than I thought.  

I found that getting the proper nutrition makes a difference wether you can stay on a program or not. Are you able to curb your hunger? Are you getting in your execise?

Well first things first, Herbalife has come up with a way to let people try out the shakes before committing to the program fully and that's with the 3 Day Trial Pack.

The Trial Pack contains a 3 or 6 day Nutrition Program with the World's No.1 Meal Replacement Shake Formula*1. You simply replace two meals a day with a shake or replace one meal a day with a shake. It could be breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

You know the whole purpose of a 'trial' is to see if you can do the program and that it works!  My whole focus is to get you results so If you get started on a trial I will work closely with you over the next 3 days to ensure you get those results! And, if you follow the plan and do well I would love taking you on as a full client! 

So feel free to look around then message me so that I can help you lead a more active & healthy lifestyle!




Posted by Tania Moikeha on Tuesday 11 November 2014
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