Helping you achieve your health and weight loss goals
About Us

Thank you for choosing me as your Herbalife Independent Distributor!

Let me introduce myself.  I am better known as Jimmy.

I am a Registered Nurse practicing in Singapore and the irregular shift hours saw me ballooning up to almost 123 kg when the heavy work and patient load would make me skip proper meals (toilet breaks even) and saw me binge and consuming excessively at unlikely hours of the day or night.

I had almost given up hope of ever enjoying a flat and chiselled belly as I have been either overweight or obese as far back as I can remember.  This is the one sore spot in my life.

Until one day my life was changed by a simple flyer and someone who cared to introduce me to this healthy, active lifestyle that is Herbalife.  Ever since then, I have not felt better about myself as I have in place a relevant plan to help me reach my weight loss goals - gradual yet consistent.

Now, having experience results with Herbalife, I would like help you do the same.  I'm Ready When You Are!