Do You Drink Enough Water?

Drinking pure clean water plays an important role in controlling your body temperature, cushioning your joints, removing waste, transporting nutrients and oxygen to cells and protecting organs and tissue.

How much water should a person drink? Take your body weight and divide that by two. The answer is how many ounces of water you should be drinking in a 24 hour period. An example is a 200 lb man would need 100 oz of water each day. You usually hear "just drink eight 8 oz glasses a day" Well don't fall for it! That amount is fine if you don't weigh over 128 lbs but if you're heavier than that your body needs more to operate properly.

Iit's not hard if you spread that out over the 24 hrs we have everyday. Consider drinking more if your performing strenuous activities. Chronic dehydration is one of the leading causes of health problems today yet it is so over looked.

Get a nice clean glass of water now while you're thinking about it.

Posted by Jason Godfrey on Saturday 13 July 2013
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