Danielle BENOIT
Danielle BENOIT
Herbalife Independent Member
NutriFun D.I. Herbalife Nutrition
119 rue du Tailleur, le nouveau monde
HAUTOT L'AUVRAY Seine-Maritime 76450
Email: danielle-benoit@wanadoo.fr Toll Free: 683612227

N-R-G Nature's Raw Guarana Tablets: United States

Herbal Nutrition

Increase mental alertness

Get a natural pick-me-up with the benefits of guarana in a convenient tablet. Guarana seeds can increase mental alertness and help maintain energy.

Make it through your busy day with a burst of energy from N-R-G. Infused with guarana – an ancient, Amazonian seed with properties similar to caffeine – N-R-G boosts your energy naturally, while helping improve mental alertness.*

Key Benefits
  • Boost your energy level*
  • Increase mental alertness*

Take one tablet up to four times per day. N-R-G is also available as an instant tea that can be enjoyed hot or cold.

Fast Facts
  • Guarana contains theobromine and theophylline, two substances also found in chocolate, which have thermogenic and mood-elevating properties.*
  • Guaranine provides a natural energy lift.
  • Helps the body achieve and maintain good energy levels.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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