Pack Fit & Form
Pack Fit & Form
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Focus on the silhouette? The Pack Fit & Form is a simple and effective solution to help you and your clients to achieve your slimming goals and / or muscle mass: 1 to 3 only reference products delivered with a cardboard bag Herbalife.

• 1 Formula 1 flavor vanilla or chocolate (optional)
• Mix 1 protein drink
• 1 tea-based beverage and vegetable extracts any flavor 50g
• Comes with a cardboard bag Herbalife

main benefits
1. Fill up nutrients with Formula 1 Shake
2. Vitamins, minerals and protein snack or a Shake even more unctuous F1 with the mixture for Protein Drink
3.Tonus and hydration with the tea-based beverage and Plant Extracts
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