“21 Secrets Of Self-Made Millionaires” – The Principles

But don’t just casually read them. IMAGINE…… what if you took each one of these and committed to making them a part of who you are. How much further ahead will you be a year from now?
Let’s dive into it…Success Secret’s

 #1: Dream Big Dreams:

Do you have a BIG dream? Do you think about it all the time? Do you visualize and see yourself living the life you desire… doing the things you want… and being the person you want to become?
This is nothing new, and MOST people will dismiss it with… “Oh I know this already.”
Well… KNOWING and DOING are two different things. We all KNOW stuff…. but you don’t get paid and you don’t make changes in your life by simply knowing. You need to APPLY what you’ve learned.
BIG DREAMS ignite the spark of inspiration to do what we need to do. Now here’s something to think about. I always believed that desire is either something you have or you don’t. Some people got it and some people don’t. But here’s an interesting thing I recently heard, which makes total sense. Everyone’s got desire.
But… Not everyone has the ambition to go after that which they desire. You ask anyone if they “want” MORE money. And you’ll always get a yes. They’ve got the desire.
But… Are they ambitious enough… do they have the motivation to go DO what’s necessary to get the money or whatever it is they want?
When you have BIG DREAMS you become inspired by them and they drive you to action. They turn desire into a “deep burning desire” to do the things you need to do to make it happen.

 #2: Develop A Clear Sense Of Direction

Having BIG DREAMS is important, but without clearly identified targets, they’re simply wishes. Napoleon Hill wrote in “Think and Grow Rich” that all successful people he studied had Definiteness Of Purpose. They knew exactly what they wanted and had definite plans for carrying out their desire. This is what turns Dreams into Goals. And as my up-line used to say… “Goals to your life are like steering wheel to a car.” Very true. Now’s the time to commit them to paper, think about them and make plans to turn them into reality.

 #3: See Yourself As Self-Employed

Although this particular principle applies more to people who work for others, it’s important to note that MOST people who jump into our business with the desire to “be their own boss”…… continue to have the “employee” mindset. They’re used to being told what to do, when to do it, etc…
Being an entrepreneur first requires a totally different mindset. Which is why most people are NOT entrepreneurs.
What that means is being “results” driven, instead of the “activity driven.” Just because you “put the time in”, doesn’t guarantee you will get results.
You need to focus on activities that produce results and be driven by “outcome” not by the mere fact that you may be staring at your computer screen 10 hours a day without getting any “REAL” work done.
Getting Traffic… Turning it into Leads, Sales, and Recruits… are the only things that are considered “results” driven work. Everything else… is “busy” work that needs to be done, but doesn’t pay you until you do the above.
A store owner won’t get paid for arranging the products neatly on the shelves. He needs to get “foot traffic” into his store and sell something, or he won’t be in business for very long. There are a TON of people in our industry who like to “rearrange the shelves” and think that they’re working.
Don’t be like them.

 #4: Do What You Love To Do

This is a biggie. You know so many people get caught up “chasing the dream” they don’t ask themselves these CRUCIAL questions.
Do I love this enough to commit the next 5, 10, 15, 20 or more years to doing this?
Is this something I can get passionate about, even if I don’t see immediate results?
Am doing it just for the money… or do I really LOVE it?
Most people will be shocked to discover that those with so-called “good jobs”, that seem like they’ve arrived and doing well, are actually miserable. They hate what they do. Or at the very least tolerate it because they “need” the paycheck.
I’m talking about doctors, attorneys, accountants… people who spent YEARS of their lives going to school, taking exams… not to mention the MONEY it cost for that education. Then, after putting in 15 years into it, they realize it’s NOT what they want to do.
I’m NOT saying all of them are like that, but there are a lot. I’ve met plenty. In business it’s even MORE important.
Because if you’re not passionate about what you do… you simply won’t spend the required time burning the midnight oil and will find it difficult to handle the challenges thrown your way. I wrote a post about this a few months ago, “Do You Love What You Do?”, if you want to read more details on this one topic alone.

 #5: Commit To Excellence

There are plenty of slackers out there. You see them everywhere. And frankly it pisses me off. If you’re not gonna do your job, then don’t work here. Go do something else. I’m not saying that I’m perfect. Just ask my wife  . But as far as I can remember, I’ve always tried to do a good job no matter what I did.
Early on, I had a few jobs before jumping into business, and except for one, I hated them all. But I did them to the best of my ability, and when I couldn’t stand it anymore, I’d quit. In business, you have to be on top of your game.
The people you do business with, can smell a phony a mile away. If you’re not doing the best you can for your clients and business associates, you’ll never move into the top ranks. Why settle for mediocrity when you don’t have to. And here’s something that maybe a hard pill to swallow for some, but I think T. Harv Eker put it best in “Secrets of The Millionaire Mind”…
“The way you do anything, is the way you do everything.” In other words… if you don’t commit to excellence, it’ll show up in ALL areas of your business and your life.

 #6: Work Longer And Harder

This is easy IF you’re passionate about what you do and have BIG dreams. The reality of building a business is takes WORK. A nasty little 4 letter word they just don’t teach in schools these days (or in the last 30 years best I can tell.)
“Entrepreneurs are willing to work 80 hours a week to avoid working 40 hours a week.”
Very true….
It takes time, LOTS of effort and hard work to get a business going. Anyone who tells you otherwise is flat out LYING. There are shortcuts and proven methods which can help you get faster results, but it still takes “sweat equity” to get it going. But here’s the good news. If you work harder than others, you WILL beat them. Because most people are just plain LAZY. And the worst part is they try to make US feel guilty about working “too hard”, striving to be best, and not be like everyone else. And… they try keeping you down to join in their misery.
Yes I’m very politically incorrect when it comes to this stuff and don’t apologize for that. These same people would foam at the mouth reading this. That’s ok, this is not for them and they don’t read blogs like this. This post is meant for people like YOU, the rare individual who says “screw what the society thinks… I’m gonna work hard to make sure MY family has the very best.”
Those people attribute “luck” and “good fortune” to becoming successful. And think that those who are, owe it to them and should take care of them. If you work harder than others, at the right things, then you’re entitled to have MORE, to keep MORE, and to live the life of your dreams. Here’s one you may have heard before and one of my favorites.
“I will do today what others won’t, so I can live the rest of my life like others can’t.”

 #7: Dedicate Yourself To Lifelong Learning

School is NEVER out for a pro. It’s funny to hear myself say that because I resisted academics back in High School. Probably because I was bored to tears. But it all changed when I got myself on the on the path to self-education, a path I’ve never gotten off of. It’s amazing to me that kids graduating from school, getting their degrees, somehow feel “entitled” because of their skill or knowledge.
First of all… you’re not entitled to anything. You GET what you want by taking massive action (in any field.)
Secondly… the knowledge you obtain in school may serve as a good foundation, but you’re FAR from being at the end of your learning.
This is a never-ending process, and I’ve realized a long time ago… that successful people make it a habit of investing in themselves MORE, than they invest in anything else. They read books, buy courses, subscribe to newsletters and always strive to improve.
I know I’m preaching to choir here, but it doesn’t hurt to get reminded of this.

#8: Pay Yourself First

It’s easy to get sidetracked into thinking that being a Millionaire is all about fancy cars and big houses. Because that’s what you see on TV. Truth is… most Millionaires are NOTHING like what you see on TV.
There’s nothing wrong with having a big fancy house or a luxury car, but for MOST people with a Million Dollar+ Net Worth all that came much later. Wealthy people pay themselves FIRST, before buying all this stuff.
Financial Independence is their goal, not “status symbols”. I’ve been fortunate to get “brainwashed” into this thinking a long time ago, because I was in the financial services business. I also saw plenty of people who were making 6 figures and were still broke. They were spending more than they were making.
Saving and investing wasn’t a habit they’ve developed. If you can’t live within your means on $50K a year, you’re not going to start on a $100K either. One of the most important steps you can take towards becoming financially independent is to pay yourself before anyone else. Take a percentage of your earnings and stick it in a savings account, or better yet, invest it.
Putting yourself on a wealth accumulation plan, even if it’s a small amount at first, is the most powerful action you can take towards becoming truly Financially Free.

#9: Learn Every Detail Of The Business 

This is easy, yet most never do it. And it kind of goes hand in hand with the “Lifelong Learning Secret” we just covered. This takes no skill or talent. Just immerse yourself in what you’re doing and commit to becoming an expert.
When I started in the financial services field, being very young, I knew that the only way I can get other people to buy my services was to show them my expertise.
I went to the bookstore and bought a bunch of books on stocks, bonds, mutual funds, personal finance, etc….. I made myself an expert by learning everything I could get my hands on, because it was the only way I could get people twice my age to see past the fact that I was still in my “teens” and giving them financial advice. I’ve written this before several times, and I believe this to be a MAJOR KEY to success…
What if you took 1 hour a day and committed to learning and studying marketing, copywriting, and anything else related to your business. Just one lousy hour a day… would turn into 365 hours a year from now.
How much further along would you be by putting 365 hours of “marketing how-to” into your brain?
What if you took 2 hours a day?
I can guarantee that hardly anyone does this. And if you think you don’t have time… then break it up into four 15 minute segments. ANYONE can do this.
Successful entrepreneurs know everything about their business. Even things they don’t do themselves and pay others to do it. If you’ve been in this business for a year or more… there’s NO EXCUSE for not knowing pretty much every detail of the business, unless you haven’t taken the time to do it.
As Jim Rohn used to say… “It’s easy to do things that are important to your success, but it’s easier not to.”
Discipline it the key. Most choose the “easier” path, if you want to be great, choose DISCIPLINE!

#10: Dedicate Yourself To Serving Others

There’s a big, BIG misconception “out there” that people who make a lot of money, have somehow gotten lucky. Some believe they’ve cheated others to get there. Not so long ago, I had someone I know very well, tell me that all wealthy people got their wealth “unethically”.
Nothing can be further from the truth.
Now I understand where that comes from. If you look at the government (not even gonna go there)… how about Hollywood. Can you recall a movie where the “rich” guy is a good guy? And for every one you’ll find a hundred where the “rich” guy is the villain, evil greedy SOB, who wants to exploit everyone around him to make more money no matter who suffers.
I’m not gonna go off on my rant about Hollywood distorting the truth, but I will tell you that all this “negative” programming by the media sends a completely false message about what it takes to make money. In the REAL world (outside of government bureaucrats and Wall St. banksters) the way you make a LOT of money is by serving others.
Those who provide the most value, make the most money. This is the foundation of any successful business and is the starting point of all personal fortunes.
Want to make more money?
Figure out a way to help more people. As the late Zig Ziglar used to say… “You can have everything in life that you want, if you just help enough other people get what they want.”
#11: Be Absolutely Honest With Yourself And Others

You know… integrity is an interesting thing. And it comes across everything you do.
Brian Tracy has a famous saying… “Life is a mirror. What’s happening on the outside is reflection of what’s going on inside.” Long-term, I don’t believe you can be honest in some things and dishonest in others and have it all work out. Eventually, it’ll blow up in your face.
I find that it’s not necessary to be dishonest. It’s a heck of a lot easier to just tell the truth and never have to remember what you said. I’m not naive to know that some people don’t operate that way. But I’m telling you, it will come back to haunt you.
By the way, I found that in sales and business overall, it’s best to simply tell the truth to your prospects and customers. They will appreciate it and you get instant credibility with them.

 #12: Set Priorities And Concentrate Single-Mindedly

If there’s one thing we suffer from it’s “entrepreneurial ADD”… the desire to jump from one task to the next… to start multiple projects and try spinning a dozen plates at the same time.
Ask me how I know. I know that for me it’s a battle, because I’m mostly an A Type person, who likes to stir things up, multiple things, often more than I can handle, but then I find that nothing gets done.
It’s much better to prioritize what needs to be done. If you have a pressing project, make it your number one priority and stop everything else, giving 100% of your attention to this one thing.
Along with my “entrepreneurial ADD”, I also have mastered the ability to block everything out, and focus on what I’m doing. With 3 kids and working from home you have to. When I used to go on appointments, I would turn off my phone, and my pager before that (it’s something we used to carry that beeps)… and I didn’t let anything or anyone interrupt my meeting.
When I went out with other reps on their appointments, and saw them answer their phones in the middle of a presentation… we would have a “little talk” after.
When I shut my door in my home office because I’m working on an important project, my wife knows, that unless someone has a broken bone and needs to go to an emergency room, I’m not here. Period.
When you can focus on something with laser like intensity, all your energy is poured into this ONE thing, and you have a much higher chance of actually getting it done. All successful people have this ability… to block things out and FOCUS.

 #13: Develop A Reputation For Speed And Dependability

Your reputation is the ultimate proof your prospects need to move forward with their decision to do business with you. It’s also the secret to getting great referrals. Today, it’s rare to find someone who does what they said, they’re going to do.
But when you do, you give yourself a winning edge. People like doing business with others that are dependable. Make it a habit to do everything quickly and be someone others can rely on.
 #14: Be Prepared To Climb From Peak To Peak

Awhile ago, I remember I used to think that there’s a point you cross when everything starts going “right” for you. Challenges disappear and you’re always moving up the ladder of success. The reality is, problems, challenges, whatever you want to call them… NEVER go away. As a matter of fact, the more you do, the more problems you have. And that’s a GOOD thing. Because the moment your problems disappear, is the moment you cease to exist.
The key is to learn how to deal with them, and how to NOT let them deter you from where you’re going. Success is not straight line to the top, it looks more like the stock market, up and down all the time. However, those that become successful, have learned to move quickly from peak to peak, and not stay to long in the valleys.
When things aren’t going the way you want them too, MOST look at it as sign of defeat. When all you have to do is push a bit harder, get a little more creative, and simply plow through whatever challenges you have.
But when the going is good, the top achievers get ALL THEY CAN and do it quickly.
Not accepting the fact that you’ll always be going up and down the roller coaster of success, is recipe for frustration, stress and anxiety… because you’re setting yourself up with wrong expectations. Everything won’t always go your way. The person you thought for sure would become a superstar will probably quit. There are hundred things that could go wrong.
One way to battle it is to be prepared. I think this is a great attitude to develop – Expect the best, but prepare for the worst. This is how you avoid disappointment.

#15: Practice Self-Discipline In All Things

I wrote about this in yesterday’s post, that DISCIPLINE is the key. Anyone can go really hard for a day or a week. Some will do it for a month. But most will stop right there. The winners they do whatever needs to be done for as long as it takes. And that requires discipline.
You know it’s a heck of a lot easier to be negative than to be positive. It’s easier to spend money, than force yourself to save money. It’s easier to skip days and not email your list or follow up with your prospects, because there’s always “tomorrow.” But all the goodies go to those who developed the self-discipline to do the things they need to do. It’s not hard, it’s all mental really. And it’a habit.
Fortunately, it’s pretty simple to develop a new habit. Just do it for 21 days, and it’s been scientifically proven that after 21 days of doing something, it becomes a habit.
The most successful people in anything… sports, business, etc… are NOT the most talented ones. They’re the most DISCIPLINED ones. Commit to develop some success habits and watch your entire business go to whole new level in a very short period of time.

#16: Unlock Your Inborn Creativity

Whether you believe it or not, you are a very creative person. You have unlimited creative abilities, but it’s possible you may have not learned how to tap into them. I believe creativity is like a muscle. The more you use it, the more creative you become.
Here’s a little tip that ironically comes from Brian Tracy. It’s called a 20 idea method. Whenever you’re faced with a problem you’re trying to solve or any kind of a challenge, take out a sheet of paper and write down 20 ideas on how you can solve it.
Let’s say you want to make $5000 from your online business next month (or whatever your goal is). Brainstorm 20 things you can do to make that happen. You’ll notice an immediate boost in your creative energy, and you’ll feel a lot more motivated and confident in achieving your goal.
Try it, you’ll be amazed  .

#17: Get Around The Right People

I’m sure you already know this but it’s worth repeating. You will become like the people you hang around most.
If you’re constantly around negative people, people that are pulling you down, those who have no goals and no big desires in life… no matter how positive you think you are, they will pull you down with them.
You must eliminate these people from your life. But what if they’re close family members, or neighbors and you can’t completely eliminate them out of your life? Then limit your exposure to them as much as possible. Their negative energy will hang like a cloud of darkness over you.
I know this is not easy. Because most of the people in our lives, even if they’re not very negative, they’re probably aren’t very supportive. Most will not give you a pat on the back when they find out you want to go out and conquer the world, make more money, do more for yourself and your family.
They are not as driven and it makes them look bad if they don’t do it, so instead they’ll ridicule and put you down. If you want to be successful you must find a way to get around other like-minded people, who will pull you UP and support you.
This is a must, we all need that. Which is why people join Mastermind Groups, go to seminars, and conventions, because without constant exposure to others like yourself, your chances of becoming successful go down dramatically.
“Birds of a feather truly do flock together”.
So choose carefully WHO you let into your life… because it has a MAJOR effect on you and your future.

#18: Take Excellent Care Of Your Physical Health

A few years ago, my wife and I stayed at the Grand Wailea in Maui, one of the most luxurious resorts in the world. It was a trip we won from the company I was with at the time. I was walking through the pool area with a friend and he pointed out that he hasn’t seen a single overweight person.
There is a reason for that. Affluent people, typically take care of their health. Because success is not just about money… it shows up in every part of your life IF that’s how you choose to live it.
To make a lot of money you need LOTS of energy. Staying in shape and having a regular workout will do that. Even walking, anything that’ll get your blood pumping will give you a tremendous boost in energy and help you unlock that creativity we talked about.
Besides. Here’s something I’ve heard a famous sales trainer, Tom Hopkins say a long time ago. “It’s stupid to be rich and sick.” And since you’re planning on making a lot of money, why not plan to stay healthy and enjoy it.

#19: Be Decisive And Action Oriented

It’s one thing to WANT to do something, but then to actually follow through DO IT is the difference between those who sit on the sidelines cheering and the ones who play the game and get the rewards.
Successful people aren’t afraid to make a decision and take action… EVEN IF if the decision turns out to be a mistake. There’s a saying that money likes speed. And I believe it’s true, because if you sit around and wait until the “perfect time” to do something, let me tell you…… there’s NEVER gonna be a perfect time. There will always be some excuse to put things off until _______ (you fill in the blank.)
Underachievers spend their whole life procrastinating and trying to avoid making a decision. Because it relieves them of any responsibility. See… the moment you make a decision and do something, you take ownership of the situation and the actions you took, and become responsible for the outcome.
Most people RUN from responsibility.
Super achievers step up to the plate and make a decision take action. Because only ACTION brings results. And they aren’t afraid to make mistakes, which leads to the next success secret…

 #20: Never Allow Failure To Be An Option

I haven’t met one person yet, who has accomplished anything great who hasn’t made a ton of mistakes. They don’t look at failures as failures. They look at them as stepping stones to success. It’ll drive you crazy to think about it any differently.
If the road is closed, you don’t go back home… you look for the detour, another way to get to where you want to go. Almost everyone gives up, settling for an average life, justifying it with “I just want to be happy, I don’t need much…” But successful people develop an attitude of “Never Give-Up”. Failure is not part of their vocabulary. If one way didn’t work, they’ll find a different way.
Thomas Edison has tried 10,000 ways to get the light bulb to work, and when asked how does it feel to fail 10,000 times… his response was “I didn’t fail 10,000 times, I found 9,999 ways it didn’t work.” This is one of the most important attitudes you can adopt.
Our society is filled with defeat and failure, so naturally it’s easy to throw in the towel and just give up. But winners, they do whatever it takes and never take their eyes off the ball.
This goes back to making a decision. When you make a decision that YOU WILL become financial free, that you’ll live a different life, and accomplish the great things you’re dreaming about…… all the setbacks, disappointments, and stumbling blocks turn into stepping stones, which only make you stronger.
One of the most important things you have to develop on your way “to the top” is this mental toughness. Failures help you do this.

 #21: Pass The “Persistence Test”

Napoleon Hill wrote in “Think and Grow Rich”…… “Persistence is an essential factor in the procedure of transmuting desire into its monetary equivalent.”
In one of the earlier parts of this series, I wrote that everyone’s got desire, they WANT more.  But the question is… are they WILLING and are AMBITIOUS to go and get it? Persistence bridges this gap between desire and achievement. Lack of persistence IS the cause of failure.
Napoleon Hill also wrote… “Those who have cultivated the habit of persistence seem to enjoy insurance against failure.” There are no guarantees in life, yet persistence seems to guarantee you success IF you just keep moving forward. Those who “didn’t make it”, simply gave up.
They didn’t develop the habit of persistence, and let their fears and temporary setbacks defeat them. When you develop the ability to bounce back from disappointment and make a decision to never, EVER give-up…… is the moment your business and your entire life moves to a whole new level. So this is it.
Brian Tracy’s “21 Success Secrets Of Self-Made Millionaires.”
Here they are…
1. Dream Big Dreams
 2. Develop A Clear Sense Of Direction
 3. See Yourself As Self-Employed
 4. Do What You Love To Do
 5. Commit To Excellence
 6. Work Longer And Harder
 7. Dedicate Yourself To Lifelong Learning
 8. Pay Yourself First
 9. Learn Every Details Of The Business
 10. Dedicate Yourself To Serving Others
 11. Be Absolutely Honest With Yourself And Others
 12. Set Priorities And Concentrate Single-Mindedly
 13. Develop A Reputation For Speed And Dependability
 14. Be Prepared To Climb From Peak To Peak
 15. Practice Self-Discipline In All Things
 16. Unlock Your Inborn Creativity
 17. Get Around The Right People
 18. Take Excellent Care Of Your Physical Health
 19. Be Decisive And Action Oriented
 20. Never Allow Failure To Be An Option
 21. Pass The “Persistence Test”


Posted by Manoj Vazirani on Tuesday 3 November 2015
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*Any weight loss or health testimonials presented here are applicable to the individuals depicted and are not a guarantee of your weight loss nor are they typical. Herbalife products can be a healthy part of your weight loss program, which includes diet and exercise.

An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Herbalife Independent Distributors about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges.

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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