Fire up your Fat Burning

 Do you know what happens to your body when you eat? You create heat (thermogenesis). An example of this is when you get a little hot and sweaty eating a big meal (especially a spicy meal).
Here's what's happening...
After you eat certain foods, your body secretes insulin. The more glucose (sugar) you eat, the more insulin your body produces. 
This creates energy or heat. And as your body temperature goes up, your metabolism starts to kick in in order to metabolize this energy. 
Your body will either use the stored fat that is already in your cells (fat) or it will use the energy you just ate to keep functioning. If you ate more than your body needs, it will simply store this energy for later.
You can eat foods that will raise your metabolism so that it will more easily consume this new energy you are putting into your body, which makes it easier to reduce fat. 
For example, fats are easily processed by your body and have little thermic effect. But proteins take longer to process and have a higher thermic effect than other types of foods. So eating a protein-filled diet helps trigger thermogenesis (a good thing).
The problem is people have a hard time triggering thermogenesis in our modern world.
We eat processed foods without the proteins and fiber our bodies were designed to eat and so we simply store the excess energy as fat.
One simple way to activate thermogenesis and raise your metabolism is by drinking tea.
Posted by Robert and Sara McClure on Sunday 21 October 2012
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Fat Loss Factor

Let me ask you this: If every day you stepped on the scale and saw a lower number, and every week you looked in the mirror to see visually noticeable results, would you continue doing what you are doing?
Let me answer that for you. YES, you would.
It doesn't matter how "hard" what you're doing is, you'd still continue to do it.
In fact, you'd probably work out even more and tighten up your diet even more as a result of the RESULTS you're experiencing.
Results are motivating. If fact, there's absolutely nothing more motivating.
And here's another reality: If you're NOT experiencing results, you will never continue to put in the hard work and effort necessary to change your body.
Unfortunately, hard work and effort don't necessarily equate to results. In fact, there are a ton of people out there working hard, and getting nowhere.
Why? Because there's a ton of information out there that simply does NOT work for fatloss, while still requiring a ton of hard work and sacrifice.
For example, you could "diet" and choose the wrong foods and watch your weight stand at a standstill.
You could perform hours of slow-go cardio every week only to watch the scale read the same number week after week.
You could starve yourself, royally screw your metabolism, and even GAIN weight over time as a result.
And then what happens? You quit, that's what.
And I don't BLAME you. Why would you ever continue to sacrifice without being rewarded?
I wouldn't, and you shouldn't.
So take a good hard look at what you're doing and think about this: What's fueling your workouts? What's fueling your desire to eat healthy and consume fewer calories?
If results aren't your fuel, you're going to give up and quit...sooner rather than later. Proof? Let your car run out of fuel and see what happens.
That's right, it doesn't go.
The one solitary thing that fuels your desire to "stay on the wagon" is results. And that's what this newsletter is here for: to give you strategies and information that actually work, so you can continue moving forward toward your goals, without wasting your time.
Posted by Robert and Sara McClure on Sunday 21 October 2012
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