The Benefits of Water



water image
Fluid needs can vary depending on a person’s body size, the environment (you need more fluid when it’s hot and/or humid) and how active you are since a lot of fluid is lost through perspiration.

  • The most important fluid is water
  • Your body needs water to function properly
  • Water helps regulate your body temperature.
  • It transports nutrients to body cells
  • Consuming eight 8-oz glasses per day of water helps you stay healthy

Replace lost fluids and electrolytes during high activity levels with H³O® Fitness Drink.

Posted by Linda Hatzibiros on Friday 1 May 2015
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water image
Fluid needs can vary depending on a person’s body size, the environment (you need more fluid when it’s hot and/or humid) and how active you are since a lot of fluid is lost through perspiration.
  • The most important fluid is water
  • Your body needs water to function properly
  • Water helps regulate your body temperature.
  • It transports nutrients to body cells
  • Consuming eight 8-oz glasses per day of water helps you stay healthy

Replace lost fluids and electrolytes during high activity levels with H³O® Fitness Drink.

Posted by Linda Hatzibiros on Friday 1 May 2015
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Fitness Tips


Why Be Active

Regular physical activity has many benefits. It is a potent stress buster, it can help keep weight off and it lowers your risk of developing major chronic diseases. Additional benefits include increased energy, stronger bones and muscles, improved sleep, improved body shape, a boost to mental wellbeing and a change in your outlook on life.

For some quick tips, see below.

1  Renew your commitment to a healthy lifestyle. Think about increasing the types of activities that work for your lifestyle and that can easily be built into your day. Make it a point to read up on fitness news and information, such as this article about exercise. Put your fitness plan into action today!

2  Aerobic exercise is important for the cardiovascular system. It’s defined by repetitive motion such as running, swimming or cycling. It can also tone muscles. Incorporating a little of both aerobic and resistance training is best for your daily routine.

3   Set small, specific goals you can stick to (like losing 5 percent of body weight or exercising three times a week, etc.) Drink green tea (which helps promote weight loss). Snack on fresh fruits and vegetables during your day.

4   Resistance exercise is important for healthy muscles and bones. It also builds strength. It’s defined by activities with short bursts of energy, such as weight lifting, playing sports and even pushing a lawn mower. Ideally, you need both resistance exercise and aerobic exercise to keep your body operating at its peak.

5  Simple ways work for getting fit – you don’t need to join a gym. If you become more active in your everyday life – such as parking your car further and walking more, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or even walking to a co-worker’s desk instead of emailing them – you’ll get fit faster.

6  Your metabolism doesn’t slow with age. It’s just that as people get older they do less strength-training and can lose lean muscle mass. The more lean muscle tissue you have, the higher your metabolism – and the faster you’ll lose weight. Keep your exercise and activity levels up each year, and you’ll simultaneously maintain your muscle tone, keep your metabolism up and maximize healthy weight loss.

7  At least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity, at least five times each week, will keep you physically active. You can split each half hour into three 10-minute sessions. If 30 minutes are out of reach right now, start with what you can do and gradually build up.

8  Keep hydrated by consuming at least two liters of water each day. It is even more important to drink water before, during and after exercise. Even low-intensity exercise requires you to be well-hydrated.

9  Rest between workouts and allow your body time to recover.

Posted by Linda Hatzibiros on Friday 1 May 2015
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'The Importance of Protein'

It seems that everywhere we look, someone is promoting a new diet that praises the power of protein. And whether you want to lose, gain or maintain your current weight, the importance of protein goes far beyond physical appearance and muscle building.

A necessity for every body

Protein is an important component of every cell in the body. It's an organic compound composed of 22 amino acids-otherwise known as the building blocks of life. Protein is stored in muscles and organs, and the body uses it to build and repair tissues and to help produce enzymes and hormones. Proteins also enable blood to carry oxygen throughout the body.

Along with fat and carbohydrates, protein is a "macronutrient"-which means that the body needs relatively large amounts of it, with men needing slightly more than women need. A significant lack of protein can eventually cause muscle mass loss, decreased immunity, and weakening of the heart and respiratory system.

How protein affects your weight

High-protein diets are very popular because of their ability to help manage hunger. When protein is absorbed, it sends a signal to the brain to decrease your hunger.

Another benefit of protein is that it raises your resting metabolism by maintaining muscle mass. As we age, muscle mass decreases if you don't exercise, so staying fit is key to burning fat by keeping your metabolism high. Protein also leads to a much less rapid rise and fall of blood sugar and insulin, so you avoid the "sugar highs and lows" after eating sweets without adequate protein. Certain foods, however, provide a healthier resource for protein than others.

Consider the source

You can obtain healthy sources of protein without high levels of saturated fat. For example, soybeans, nuts and whole grains provide protein without much saturated fat and offer plenty of healthful fiber and micro-nutrients as well. If you're looking for another great source of healthy protein, vegetable protein sources in Herbalife's Formula 1 products are high quality and have low calorie levels with virtually no added fat. Herbalife products help to personalize your daily protein intake to match your body's needs

Now that you've increased your knowledge of protein, you can effectively enhance your diet and allow good health to take shape. Contact your Herbalife Independent Distributor for additional details and recommendations.
Your Herbalife Independent Distributor,
Linda Hatzibiros 
Phone: 603-714-9133 
Email: [email protected] 

The information contained in this email is general in nature and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own doctor or other medical professional. No statement is an endorsement of any particular product, or a recommendation as to how to treat any particular disease or health related condition. Always contact your doctor or health professional for any medical problems.

Posted by Linda Hatzibiros on Tuesday 20 May 2014
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'Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.'

'Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.'  

Have you heard this before? Most of us have at one time. Do we heed the advice? Many of us don't. It's not an old wives tale; having a good breakfast plays a vital role in leading a healthy life. When you eat the right foods at breakfast, it sets you up for the day by kick-starting your metabolism, providing a steady stream of energy to keep you going in the morning, plus it can help to manage your appetite - great news if you're on a diet plan.

Breakfast and metabolism

Metabolism is the physical and chemical processes that create and use energy in the body. The break down of the food we eat and its transformation to energy is a function of metabolism. While you sleep the body's metabolism slows, as its food supply is deprived and its energy requirement is only for essential bodily functions. So you can imagine, if you don't eat breakfast, your metabolism stays as this slower rate and doesn't get that kick-start it needs for the day and to give you more energy.

Breakfast and energy levels 

If you try to start the day without fueling your body with the right food, you'll likely end up crashing mid-morning and reaching for 'quick fix' snacks to keep your energy levels up. These unhealthy snacks are often high in sugar, high in fat, and lack adequate protein. They cause your blood sugar levels to spike and then dramatically drop, meaning your appetite won't be satisfied for longer than about an hour. Eating a healthy balanced breakfast, particularly one that provides a good source of protein and complex carbohydrates, will help you maintain a steady stream of energy.

Breakfast and weight loss

Skipping breakfast in order to lose weight? Think again. Missing the morning meal actually slows your weight loss efforts because it slows your metabolism, a driving force behind your weight loss. Instead, be sure to eat a healthy breakfast - one that's balanced in key macro-nutrients such as complex carbohydrates and protein. Including adequate protein for breakfast is especially important as it helps you feel fuller longer, so you're less likely to crave unhealthy snacks mid-morning.

Need some healthy breakfast ideas?

Avoid breakfast cereals that are high in sugar, fat, and salt. Instead, choose foods such as wholegrain muesli with nuts, fresh fruit and low fat yogurt; wholegrain toast topped with eggs and sliced tomato; or oats with skim milk, nuts, seeds and fruit. Combine these wholesome foods with healthy breakfast options from your Herbalife Independent Distributor to ensure that your day begins in a healthy fashion.Your Herbalife Independent Distributor,
Linda Hatzibiros 
Phone: 603-714-9133 
Email: [email protected] 

Posted by Linda Hatzibiros on Tuesday 20 May 2014
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