Helping you achieve your health and weight loss goals

Helping you achieve your health and weight loss goals

About Us
Before After

Astryd’s uniqueness in her work is that she goes deep in everyone’s individual needs. She creates customized nutritional programs based on facts and the person’s circumstances. She works with people to boost immunity & detoxification while releasing, maintaining or gaining weight but as well to improve health and so much more.

She encourages & teaches using simple strategies to improve health & wellbeing.

Astryd is passionate, sincere and loves to support people with & through the power of food & energy healing. As a Reiki Master Ascension Healer & certified nutritional therapist, speaker and mom of 3 she transforms Life’s by bringing health, energy and wellbeing since 18 years.

She understands the importance of educating you in the most effective way so that you can heal quickly.  Hence the reason, I organize virtual coaching sessions to ensure that your (daily) needs are met

=> Her 4 clients shed effortlessly 114cm of overall Body-fat-Volume within the last 6 weeks

Give Yourself 100 Days - 30 day money-back-guarantee included
It's easy & Simple and it works, if you are Committed!


Suchen Sie nach gesunden Loesungen? 
Wollen Sie gesund ein paar Kilos ab- oder zunehmen?
-> Benötigen Sie mehr Energie?
-> sind gestresst?
-> fehlt es Ihnen an Schlaf?
-> Lust- Hungergefühle

Geben Sie sich selbst 100 Tage - inkl. 30-Tage-Geld zurueck Garantie
und ich zeige Ihnen bewaehrte und getestete Tricks und Informationen um Sie wieder zurueck in Ihre alte Form zu bringen.