Danielle BENOIT
Danielle BENOIT
Herbalife Independent Member
NutriFun D.I. Herbalife Nutrition
119 rue du Tailleur, le nouveau monde
HAUTOT L'AUVRAY Seine-Maritime 76450
Email: danielle-benoit@wanadoo.fr Toll Free: 683612227

Targeted Nutrition


Heart Health Heart Health
Reduce your risk of the #1 threat to health for both men and women in most parts of the world: heart problems. Heart Health products include herbs, omega-3 essential fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamins that make caring for your heart easy.


Digestive Health Digestive Health
Digestive Health products support healthy digestion and elimination, ensuring your internal system is healthy so you're free to get on with life.


Immune Solutions Immune Solutions
Too much stress, or too little sleep, can undermine immunity, leaving you susceptible to colds. Immune Solutions help keep your defenses strong year round.


Healthy Aging Healthy Aging
Growing older is inevitable - feeling old isn't. Our Healthy Aging products can help keep you looking and feeling younger.


Stress Management Stress Management
Managing stress is vital for healthy living. Herbalife's Stress Management products balance mood, lift spirits, calm nerves and promote peaceful sleep.* De-stress and enjoy a better quality of life with these herbal helpers.


Children's Health Children's Health
Children's Health products taste great, helping to encourage healthy eating habits from the start.


Women's Solutions Women's Solutions
Women's Solutions include herbs, nutrients and hormone precursors to help women find their natural balance and enjoy glowing health at every age.


Men's Solutions Men's Solutions
Men's Solutions target key male concerns, like prostate health and lack of stamina, giving every man the nutritional support he needs to get the most out of life.


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Le lait, unique aliment lors des 4 à 6 premiers mois de la vie, continue ensuite de nous régaler sous différentes formes : yaourts, fromages, crèmes glacées … On connaît surtout les produits laitiers pour leur teneur en calcium et ils sont souvent dénoncés comme étant trop gras pour certa
Saviez-vous que la corde à sauter est un fabuleux accessoire de fitness, qui permet, au travers d’exercices simples, de solliciter plusieurs muscles du corps en même temps : qu’il s’agisse des bras, des cuisses, de la sangle abdominale ou encore des muscles fessiers ?
Combinant les bienfaits des vitamines et des végétaux avec les dernières avancées en matière de recherche scientifique, la nouvelle gamme d’Herbalife, Herbalife SKIN, offre des résultats rapides, visibles en 7 jours*. Enrichis en vitamine B3, en vitamines C et E antioxydantes, en Aloe Ver
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